The Manchurian Candidate

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May 13, 2002
The Manchurian Candidate

The Manchurian Candidate -Use this if above link does not work

Director: Jonathan Demme
Denzel Washington
Meryl Streep
Jon Voight

Click the above link to watch the trailer.

This is a remake of the original Manchurian Candidate (staring Frank Sinatra) which was released in 1962, and then pulled immediately after J.F.K's assassination and not re-released until 1988. The movie has to do with the government, war, and mind control.

In the original movie, Frank Sinatra was a Korean War veteran who was brainwashed by the Chinese as part of a Communist plot to assassinate the president.

In the remake, Denzel Washingtion was in the first Persian Gulf war and was kidnapped by the enemy (Al Qaeda? Iraq?), and brainwashed to become pawns once he returns home.

If anybody has ever done research on the the movie, and the original book ("The Manchurian Candidate" by Richard Condon, published in 1958-59) you will know there are tons of theories that have been floating around for 30+ years. We know the CIA was very interested in Mind Control and did thousands of experiements, especially in the late 40's, and throughout the 50's and 60's. I have read some crazy things about the book and hidden messages and codes and other things about the original movie as well. If anyone has any additional info to add to this thread, please do.
Oct 12, 2003
the government and mind-control

There also seems to be a growing belief that the U.S. government, through its military branches or agencies such as the CIA, is using a number of horrible devices aimed at disrupting the brain. Laser weapons, isotropic radiators, infrasound, non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse generators, and high-power microwave emitters have been mentioned. It is known that government agencies have experimented on humans in mind control studies with and without the knowledge of their subjects (Scheflin 1978). The claims of those who believe they have been unwilling victims of "mind control" experiments should not be dismissed as impossible or even as improbable. Given past practice and the amoral nature of our military and intelligence agencies, such experiments are not implausible. However, these experimental weapons, which are aimed at disrupting brain processes, should not be considered mind control weapons. To confuse, disorient or otherwise debilitate a person through chemicals or electronically, is not to control that person. To make a person lose control of himself is not the same as gaining control over him. It is a near certainty that our government is not capable of controlling anyone's mind, though it is clear that many people in many governments lust after such power.

In any case, some of the claims made by those who believe they are being controlled by these electronic weapons do not seem plausible. For example, the belief that radio waves or microwaves can be used to cause a person to hear voices transmitted to him seems unlikely. We know that radio waves and waves of all kinds of frequencies are constantly going through our bodies. The reason we have to turn on the radio or TV to hear the sounds or see the pictures being transmitted through the air is because those devices have receivers which "translate" the waves into forms we can hear and see. What we know about hearing and vision makes it very unlikely that simply sending a signal to the brain that can be "translated" into sounds or pictures would cause a person to hear or see anything. Someday it may be possible to stimulate electronically or chemically a specific network of neurons to cause specific sounds or sights of the experimenter’s choosing to emerge in a person's consciousness. But this is not possible today. Even if it were possible, it would not necessarily follow that a person would obey a command to assassinate the president just because he heard a voice telling him to do so. Hearing voices is one thing. Feeling compelled to obey them is quite another. Not everyone has the faith of Abraham.

There seem to be a number of parallels between those who think they have been abducted by aliens and those who believe their minds are being controlled by CIA implants. So far, however, the "mind-controlled group" has not been able to find their John Mack, the Harvard psychiatrist who claims that the best explanation for alien abduction claims is that they are based on alien abduction experiences, not fantasies or delusions. A common complaint from the mind-controlled is that they can't get therapists to take them seriously. That is, they say they can only find therapists who want to treat them for their delusions, not help them prove they're being controlled by their government. Thus, it is not likely that the "mind-controlled CIA zombies" will be accused of having delusions planted in them by therapists, as alien abductees have, since they claim they cannot get therapists to take their delusions seriously. In fact, many of them are convinced that their treatment as deluded persons is part of a conspiracy to cover-up the mind control experiments done on them. Some even believe that False Memory Syndrome is part of the conspiracy. They claim that the idea of false memories is a plot to keep people from taking seriously the claims of those who are now remembering that they were victims of mind control experiments at some time in the past. It is hard to believe that they cannot find a wide array of incompetent New Age therapists willing to take their claims seriously, if not willing to claim they have been victims of such experiments themselves.
Apr 25, 2002
strange you should post this, i just watched the original movie about 5 days ago..
I've never seen the remake with Denzel

i think the reason it was pulled was simply out of respect for an assaniated president who was widely respected by most americans at the time (jfk), i really dont think it's anything deeper than that as some conspiracy theorists would like to think
Apr 25, 2002
More proof that hollywood sucks and people in this country a stupid fucks.

Apparently there aren't any writers in hollywood anymore since every movie is a remake.

And you're a dumb fuck if you pay a movie theater to see a remake of a classic that you can rent on your own.

There's nothin wrong with the OG, don't fuck with it.
Dec 27, 2002
what makes you fired up about elections? You like being lied too.

write down all the promises you'll hear
see how many come to light
i'm more pessimistic about politicians/politics than anybody i know, but even i'm excited about this election. we'll probably end up with either the first female or black president - if this election doesn't get you interested, no election will. we're hearing a lot of talk about "change", and it is almost certainly exaggerated, but i'm still curious to see how much change will be delivered. whoever we end up with, the new administration will be a significant departure from the current one. yes...all politicians are scandalous, but there is a lesser of two evils, whether you want admit it or not. i hope obama gets the nomination for an obama/edwards ticket.
Feb 8, 2006
i'm more pessimistic about politicians/politics than anybody i know, but even i'm excited about this election. we'll probably end up with either the first female or black president - if this election doesn't get you interested, no election will. we're hearing a lot of talk about "change", and it is almost certainly exaggerated, but i'm still curious to see how much change will be delivered. whoever we end up with, the new administration will be a significant departure from the current one. yes...all politicians are scandalous, but there is a lesser of two evils, whether you want admit it or not. i hope obama gets the nomination for an obama/edwards ticket.
if hillary wins it will be the biggest mistake our country has made.
Apr 25, 2002
Hillary may win the Democratic nomination, but I will say right now and you can quote me in the future when it happens. She will never be elected president.

Edwards is by far the most electable democrat still in the running.

Election time is mad interesting yo!

What would be cool is if both nominations head to the party conventions and no one wins outright until then.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
This country would vote for a black MAN over a white WOMAN any day, I would imagine.

People overall wouldn't trust a woman to run the country, NOT even the women (some of them).

I doubt that Hillary will win the Democratic nomination. I'm betting on either Obama or Edwards.
Dec 27, 2002
i agree that hillary wouldn't fare well in the general election, which is one of my major reasons for opting against her. she is way too polarizing and her personality is hit or miss (misses w/ me). she's a politician through and through, and i hate that.

obama is much more likeable and his message and demeanor seem more genuine.

i like edwards because of his popularist approach (i think he's mostly genuine even if his performances seem a bit forced) and general electability (i agree that he's the most electable), but it's down to just clinton and obama at this point.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
i dont kow what is more troubling to me.
that gathering of mind posters would actually talk and discuss this upcoming election as if it were something else than the theatrical mirage put on so the brainless sheep fall in line to punch their little ballots or the fact that anybody would actually like the chances of a black man or woman...b/c even though whoever is "voted" in as president is a puppet, i dont see why they would choose a black man or woman as......or maybe thats the whole plan...lets put in this black guy or lets put in this bulldyke and lets make these poor idiots that theyre actually making a difference and lets give all the minorities and women who voice their opinions about equal opportunities a false sense of coming up in this if a person of color would make feel any better about this country going into the shithole.