Everybody has valid points here.
- WeTheWest is a site that gets millions of hits and its FREE to put your videos up there, they even have a forum to post on. So why not save your promo $ and use the site. You can hit the repost button for Facebook, Twitter, ect ect
- @Nobe - WSHH i feel would not benefit you homie, there not the demographic your looking for in my opinion and will probably get more hate comments then love. Dont do it just to say you have a video on there because really the fans could care less what you do what for. You can take that $1500 get 1000 retail ready cds, get them in Rasputins, Dimple Records, RapBay.com, and the rest go OUT AND HUSTLE THEM OFF amongst all you guys in the group. If not one of them want to get out on the street to hustle/sell THERE music (The Cd) then cut there water off because its a reflection of there work ethic....i know from experience.
@Dutch - There young homie , we all have to learn and not everybody learns at the same speed.
@Oro - you got to spend a little something in this business..nothing is for free.....and if it is , its luck if its quality.