I'm sure Eminem knows who Tech is. Hell, the rest of D12 was on AP, and Em did shit w/ him before. If Em thinks Tech ain't worth more collabo's, that's life. But, I doubt that's the case. Think about this: how many ppl did Em do shit w/ before he broke? I know it ain't good to hear, but maybe Tech ain't number 1 on his re-payment list just yet. I hope it comes soon, cuz of course I want Tech to get more exposure, but we might have to have more patience.
Beyond that, Tech ain't sittin on his ass. You see that post about where to tour. He wants his fans' input. He'sl playing to the people that are already his fans. He's still working his ass off, he may break before he gets a hand up from the likes of Eminem. And you know what? I'd like it better that way anyway.