The God Simulator

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May 13, 2002
Thats cool. That is how you feel, you cant change that. I go through my little phases....For the last few days, I felt like postin up "atheist humor", who knows what I will do tomorrow.

If you dont like it, fuck it. I dont give a shit. Just tryin to add some humor on this board. With all the fucked up shit going on around us I think humor is very necessary.
Oct 13, 2002
That site was pretty inept. I wanted to use Lucifer to allow good. But the site didn't allow such options. Oh well...I didn't see the humor in it. I must be a complex man.
May 2, 2002
the humor in it is that if you were god you could fix everything in the world with a snap of your fingers and stop the suffering, but you dont. get it
Oct 13, 2002
No I think I do get it, thats the bad thing. But it's a weak attempt to do so. God doesnt play by your rules or what ever rules you want him to live by. He makes the rules. Just caues you cant understand them does not mean you can change them.
Oct 13, 2002
This is getting way out of hand. Obviously I am speaking to the ignorant. I am sorry for even trying to have a mature discussions about God. It is obvious that not all of us can perform such tasks.
May 13, 2002
Out of hand? What did I say? If you want to discuss god, religion, anything, lets do it. Just dont call me Ignorant. Calling someone you dont know anything about is ignorant.

If you want to talk, lets talk. All you have seen is my recent posts of "atheist humor". Like I said before, I go through my little phases, as of late, I have felt like postin up humorous shit. But now I feel like debating, so lets do it.
Oct 13, 2002
"We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes."

Lets discuss your quote. What is an example of a perfect human? If you know that humans are faulty in what way are they faulty? if you were to be a perfect human what would you do and why? What is a mistake if there is no God to tell you that you are making a mistake? who has the conceptual power to distinguish the diffrence between perfection and error. Who has such concepts?

If you were to have your own 'world' and could control it....lets say an antfarm. How would you talk to your ants? how would you control them? would you give them free will? how would you teach them? Do you think 'The Truman Show' concept could be a reality?
May 13, 2002
hehe......Well, I personally don’t believe in a such thing as "faulty humans". But, if you look up the definition of god in the catholic dictionary or whatever it is called, god is the "all knowing, and "all powerful" along with many other words. There are many problems with that definition. If something is "all powerful" it has the power to do all or to do anything. All-powerful means it can do anything. "all knowing" means it knows all. So, if something is "all powerful, and all knowing" it must know how each and everyone of us will live. Which would also mean that he would know all of our fates. Therefore, if he created a human, and that human ended up killing people and shit like that, it would be gods own fault for creating him like that. So for god to send him to hell or whatever, that would be his own fault.

A lot of other problems exist with that definition as well. Can god create a square circle? If you answer no, god is not "all powerful", if you answer yes, well, hehe, that’s just plain idiotic. If god knows all, then he would know are future...He would know the future to EVERYTHING...Including himself. If he is "all powerful" well then that means he can change the future or past. If he could do this then he would no longer be "all knowing". You see? You cant have both. It goes on and on. If he was all-powerful, then he can eliminate poverty, murder, rape, incest, etc. If he was "all powerful" and still didn’t change these horrible things, well then, god is a sick muthafucka who must get his kicks off of seeing a small percentage of humans live well, while the majority suffer.

Your ant farm example is irrelevant to this topic. You see, we are talking about "god" the "creator". If I had an ant farm, I wouldn’t have created the ants, only the environment.

I will now ask you the same question I ask all theist. Why do you believe in god? Are there any rational reasons why you do?
Oct 13, 2002
Sorry, been busy. I don't have a computer at home. I have two jobs and go to school. I have other priorities sorry to keep you waiting. What you said isn't something that I could reply to right away.
But yes....
When you speak of all knowing and all loving, you are talking about Christianity traits associated with God being omniscience and omniscient. I guess my reply to that is were not capable of knowing or understanding God. Mabey that is a futle attempt to explain it. But there is a lot in life I do not understand and you dont understand but we continue on. Our minds are limited to understanding this world, I feel there is a reason for that. Like Darwin said we have the minds of monkeys. What you are discussing is what I would say the majority of Christians cannot even discuss. I bet I could if I took my time out and researched it. But with that said, I said you were ignorant because you are atacking Christianity. You are not attacking God. That is largely two diffrent things. Was Jesus Christian? I can go onto the internet and search Atheist sites and post stuff others have dedicated their time to writing. Oh well. What I am basically saying is your wasting your time. I am not trying to say your an idiot, what I am saying is your playing football with six year old kids when you can be playing in the NFL. Like I said earlier you are asking questions a lot of Christians don't even think about. I know there are answers out there I just don't have them. So my suggestion to you would be stop wasting your time on here and reasearch the academic realm of Philosophy. Many of what you have discussed in the past and currently by Philosophers who are a live now but mostly who lived thousands of years ago. So I am going to follow my own advice I gave you and stop spending my time on this website so much. I will come in once in awhile. So please dont expect next day replies. I have priorities...

What do you mean you don't believe in faulty humans?

Oh yes I will discuss why I believe in God. I believe in God cause I had to when I was looking at this site earlier. I remember BasiCCAlly saying something along those lines to. Mabey you do not understand that. Which is okay. Cause I wouldnt want you to see what I have seen or live my daily life. I am not complaing about my life. My life is very hard. I dont have parents. I work full time, try to go to school, pay all my bills, deal with riding the bus. I have been dirt broke. I am very busy. I can't do all this shit on MY OWN. Something or someone had to help me. To me that person that helps me is God. I know it sounds dumb and corny to you. But just take a minute and walk in my shoes. What do you have that I dont? Mabey you dont NEED God. Which is cool. Mabey you dont think I am rational. I could care less what you think about me. But in the future you are going to face adult hood no matter what. Mabey your an adult now. I dont know how old you are, but one day 'reality' is going to hit you in the face. Mabey not. I dont know how your life is or is going to turn out. I could honestly care less if you believe in God or not. You obviously have a brain. Think for yourself. I just hope you listen to that voice in your head that tells you what to do. Dont follow your friends your family or other people. Be yourself. Thats what I had to do. I had to be rational and follow what God wanted me to be. Mabey its not rational to you, but to me its the only rational thing in my life......