TROLL said:
i dont hate ya.. never knew u did music... post up a link so i can peep.. dont let these haterz get to ya. let comments roll off ya back like rainwater..
Trust me, they're doing anything but getting to me. On the contrary, I'm getting to them by pointing out their infatuation with me and inability to keep a topic going because they can't resist trying to get some shots in.
KrypticFlowz said:
The cry for attention only gets louder with you.
If i have to be the bigger man..Lol...and make a thread like this so people will stop fucking up other topics, then so be it.
If anyone deserves a thread like this...verily, I'm the only one. It's not like i asked for my own forum.
KALYN said:
.. sticky the thread? .. get real..
People need to learn.
This isn't the RapTalk NorthWest forum that you and Sixx destroyed, this is the Notorious NorthWest--goin' strong for quite a long time now. The people deserve better than 24/7 talk about Dirty Shoez.
thephantomblue0 said:
People can say what they want about him, but I respect him for speaking his mind. Remember, everybody is entitled to their own opinion.
I appreciate it. I do my best to Keep It Simple, but other people can't help but KEEP IT SHOEZ.
Do you live on this internet message board dirty? || thats my question || and || Whyd you get banned in the first place. || i got banned 2 days ago for like 5 minutes. it was bullshit. || LOL
Do I live here? Let's see:
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Thats you.
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8.94 posts per day)
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Find all threads started by Dirty Shoez
There's me.
You are a fuckin hater though folks, but you know that already, thats like tellin lil kim she a whore || obvious
The only thing I hate is people with no ideas and no direction. Basically...people like you that run around being a smartass, instead of contributing.
Fridge said:
Tadou aka Dirty Shoes asked to be banned last time, just because he was spending too much time here, I guess... something like that.
Close. I wanted to let the people know that the Tadou name would not return to this board, regardless if the man did or not. I put an end to that chapter myself; I didn't need the Undertaker to tombstone me at a PPV to do it.
I suggest you link this thread in your signature, however. That way when they read one of your posts and feel the need to hate on you, they can come here and do it. It's a far better idea than pinning this thread, as they'll have access to this everytime you post if you put it in your signature.
Naw, I welcome hate...just anywhere outside of this forum. All the other ones, I post on just for fun. This one, i post here for a purpose.
If I ever start a team in the NW to push the Billy the Fridge album, I'm putting Kayln and Tadou in the same department... just for the fun of it.
Oh Coy!Ocerto said:
Tadou...i dont hate you...youre just fuckin annoying...and youre full of yourself...and thats need to get over yourself...and we can all be fine...
The curse of the Internet. Whoever types the best and is always on their toes, is going to be hated just as much as the Star Quarterback in High School.
I don't hate anyone here, really.....except Robo. Thats one man who will never get a slot on any project I do.
Fridge said:
I agree that Tadou is the reason people act up against him, and not the people.
Anybody wanna see a D-Sane vs Tadou boxing match for members?
stupendous said:
Still feeling Eyes Closed No Pulse
As for the whold Tadou drama, i tend to not get involved. There are alot of things that I don't see eye to eye with Tadou, and sometimes I think he could go about reaching his point in a different way - but I think that he does have alot of good ideas and insights. If we all agreed about everything this shit would be boring. I do respect his passion and I think Tadou has some nice lyrics, some real creative shit. Although sometimes I think he asks for it with the shit he says, other times I feel that he is discarded immediately because of his prior reputation. This is a shame because I think alot of what is said could be put to good use. Whether you are pro or con tadou - at least this forum isn't putting me to sleep.
¡Me aman! ¡De veras, me aman!
D'struction said:
for real man. you think we need an extra fuckin thread just to bitch at you? this has got to be the most rediculous(sp?) thing ive ever seen a grown man do.
Youre crazy
You must have missed that time I demanded an apology from all the mods, a 50-post thread full of praise and absent of a single criticism, outlined specific things to be said, etc. before i returned to posting on RTNW. That one was classic.
Ratings make the media World Go Round. This is a fact. You know those fun little Google ads we get to look at? Well, believe it or not, NEMO gets paid more or less money depending on how many Page Views threads like this get. The End result...Controversy = Money.
You get rid of the people causing start costing people money.
(How would you like it if someone walked into YOUR business, and started heckling one of YOUR salespeople?) When you do that, you DAMN WELL better have a way to replace those missed page views.
Others did this for a while, but didn't last long. They were the Mariano Riveras--not John Smoltzes. They were also wholly troublemakers, and didn't even attempt to discuss the issues.
Me.....I discuss the issues. I DONT WANT to talk about myself all the time. But when other people force my hand...ain't much I can do about it.