The Darkness, June 25th [PS3 & 360]

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May 13, 2002
Anyone going to pick this game up? Looks pretty sick, check it out:


If you haven't been keeping up, the game is based on the Top Cow comic book of the same name and focuses on Jackie Estacado, a youthful mafia hitman who becomes embroiled in a bloody feud with his crime-boss uncle. Jackie boy's got one ace up his sleeve, though--he's possessed by a malevolent force called the Darkness, which confers a whole mess of neat demonic powers on him.

The catch is, these powers only really work when Jackie is actually immersed in darkness. For example, if he's fighting in the light, he'll be limited to standard arms, like pistols, shotguns, and the like. Riddick had its share of outright gun-battling, but it also focused just as much on stealth. The Darkness doesn't seem to be that kind of game, though. You're not shooting out lights so that enemy characters won't be able to see you, or won't know you're there--you're doing it simply to create greater areas of darkness that will increase your killing powers, which include a gigantic tentacle called the demon arm that can pick up large objects; the creeping dark, which allows you to project yourself ahead of your physical body to alter the environment; and a black hole-like power that will suck every object in an area--including people--into it before sealing itself again

Comic book:
May 13, 2002
Living in darkness isn't the only way to power your anti-hero. There's a very gruesome collection aspect to this game. To bolster your Darkness powers, you can devour the hearts of your victims. The more you eat, the stronger you become. It's a primal ritual as each kill leads to the sadistic ceremony of tearing out another heart.
Yeah that pretty much sold me on the game.