the song on the commercial didnt sound too great. but that purple napolean dynamite alaskan huskie/wolf shirt is pretty cool. luckily dude is black otherwise itd be hella nerdy
this shit aint that bad... on the commercial i thought WTF the first time... then the next time i was like it aint bad if i dont look at that dudes stupid ass Tshirt. Chi Town reppin...
and that looks like a Dyno Air in that pic... I got 2 of them mothafuckas but different mags haha... own about 13 Dynos though
I remeebr seeing they sghit along time ago fro download. I passed taht shit up and ddint even click on the link when the tittle said Cool Kids Tototally Flossed out. I thought it was some comedy shit or some surburban white rappers
their prodicer is sick but there lyrics are wack
whatever the fuck the line is where he is all like "and my bikes illegal so they sent for the lawwww" i stopped listenin after that shit