The Angel of Death

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May 13, 2002

Josef Mengele

Dubbed the Angel of Death for his cruel experiments on victims at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, Mengele fled to South America after Germany's defeat in World War II.

Mengele supervised an operation by which two Gypsy children were sewn together to create Siamses twins; the hands of the children became badly infected where the veins had been resected. Mengele injected chemicals into the eyes of children in an attempt to change their eye color.

Josef Mengele's experiments were both physical and psychological; experimental surgeries performed without anesthesia, transfusions of blood from one twin to another, isolation endurance, reaction to various stimuli. And injections with lethal germs, sex change operations, the removal of organs and limbs, incestuous impregnations ...

One twin recalls the death of his brother: "Dr. Mengele had always been more interested in Tibi. I am not sure why - perhaps because he was the older twin. Mengele made several operations on Tibi. One surgery on his spine left my brother paralyzed. He could not walk anymore. Then they took out his sexual organs. After the fourth operation, I did not see Tibi anymore. I cannot tell you how I felt. It is impossible to put into words how I felt. They had taken away my father, my mother, my two older brothers - and now, my twin ..."

A survivor, Eva Mozes Kor, later recalled how a set of Gypsy twins was brought back from Mengele's lab after they were sewn back to back. Mengele had attempted to create a Siamese twin by connecting blood vessels and organs. The twins screamed day and night until gangrene set in, and after three days, they died ...

Auschwitz Survivor Says Pharmaceutical Giant Aided Nazis
Archives Suggest Bayer-Nazi Link
Bayer is one of the best known and largest pharmaceutical and chemical companies in the world. But what’s turning up in these long-forgotten archives puts the company in a much different light.



Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
this shit has always scared me, along with what the japanese doctors did to the chinese peasants during the war..this scares me more than getting shot in battle.

I remember reading about Mengele, that when he moved to South America, he met another either, former Nazi, or a Nazi party supporter that was a famous "doctor" in South America, and that they got along well and tried to start a revival down there. I also heard that Mengele was a closet homosexual, which I would not be very surprised about.
Apr 25, 2002
They didn't do this just on jews either though.

Watched this one documentary on the Spanish Civil war and what they would do to captured prisoners there.

They did all kinds of fucked up experiments on soldiers, especially the socialist/communists. The Nazis did things to see if there was some kind of chemical imbalance that made people into communists and were working hard to find some kind of link to homosexuality and socialism.

Measuring skull sizes and examining the brains of the dead and murdered. One captured U.S. guy in the documentary said the Nazis were pissed because the brain size of the communists was larger than normal.

Apparently some self examination was in order.
Sep 28, 2004
Every perversion is an abuse of power. Power over something. The people doing the acts of cruelty have some sort of inferiority complex, and when they are given power, they execute the sick little dreams they have. Most horrors done in the shadows of war are either revenge tactics, or acts of curiousity that would never have been done if they did not have the excuse.