209 Studioz said:
yeah yall quicc to state shit but think about this....how many times in your life have you been accused of somethin you didnt actually do????? i know myself, i have been blamed for a lotta shit that i didnt do and all the shit was stacced against me so damn good that even i damn near beleived i did it.....point is if you werent there then you dont know what happened so speakin on it sayin he deserves this n that is kinda extreme.....theres a lotta shit ive read about that didnt come from SPM mouth but from the actual court reports and such....one of these things being that the lil girl denied anything happened when 1st asked by investigators.....then after they talked to her all a sudden it happened....then it turned into she thought it happened but she thought it might of been a dream......i agree he fucced himself by fuccin wit young girls 14 n up one of em being is babys mom but theres a lotta other shit that played into this.....its TEXAS....they are very racist in texas....SPM and Dopehouse were makin a lotta noise and the money he made he was putting bacc into the streets of Houston....he was buyin up businesses helpin out other raza and makin things good for his people....the cops had been tryin to find reasons to shut him down......the jury was mostly white wit i think only one blacc person and no mexicans....the family of the girl were at once close wit SPM and were known to have been jealous of his success and its suspect that they were coerced into bringing these charges up....come on now though i lived in arizona and the southwest is still the wild wild west....if a mexican family had a 9 year old girl come home talkin about she was molested im pretty sure the fam would of been so angry they would of fucced him up not call the police and lawyers and file lawsuit.......shit jus dont seem right....then the 45 year sentence...shit theres foos who have kidnapped and raped girls gotten less time and been released to do it all over again....i wasnt there i cant say what happened but im not gonna judge cuz it aint my business to judge im jus sayin look at all the facts and think about the possibilities and see why this shit would be falsified......