Texas A&M puts stop to party: Organizers deny blackface event is racist

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Apr 25, 2002

Jan. 18, 2003, 11:20AM

A&M puts stop to party
Organizers deny blackface event is racist
Copyright 2003 Houston Chronicle
Texas A&M University officials are embarrassed over a blackface party that some students had planned for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

After meeting with angry university officials this week, student organizers apologized and canceled the "Think Ghetto" party they have held for several years without the knowledge of school officials. Paid student residential advisers at the 300-resident Walton Hall dormitory have helped organize the parties, which have been in a home in nearby Bryan.

According to an anonymous letter that alerted university officials Wednesday about the parties, "the participants dress either in black face or other negative stereotypes of African-Americans (i.e. gangsters, rappers, etc.)"

"I have never thought this was a good thing to do and was sending the wrong message from what I believed that A&M stood for," said the letter, which was addressed to Mark Taplette, a university official who is black.

The revelations came to light as 1,000 university black student leaders descended on the College Station campus to attend its 15th annual Southwestern Black Leadership Conference.

University officials are investigating the nature of the parties and what role the staff of residential advisers have played in organizing them.

And, once again, officials are scrambling to dispel long-held perceptions that the 85 percent white school isn't hospitable to minorities.

"Such incidents show a lack of respect for others, are destructive to the residence hall community, and are a disgrace and embarrassment to Texas A&M University," said a letter issued to Walton Hall residents Thursday by Ron Sasse, A&M's director of residence life. "The mission of Texas A&M University states that the `University campus must encourage a climate that values and nurtures collegiality, diversity, pluralism, and the uniqueness of each person.' "

"A&M is known for its friendliness," Sasse said Friday. "When something like this happens, naturally it makes it more difficult to change negative perceptions. We're looking at how we can make this a positive event, at how we can make things better. If life gives you a lemon, you make a lemonade."

He said university officials met Wednesday with a full-time director of Walton Hall and 11 students who comprise the staff of residential advisers. The party was advertised in Walton Hall on a list of activities recommended by student staffers, Sasse said.

The director, Shannon Ensom, has publicly said she didn't know about the event. But all 11 students, one of whom is black, told officials they knew about the parties. The students asked, "What's the problem?" Sasse said.

Sasse said some black students have attended the parties in "ghetto" costume.

"We're having a hard time understanding how anyone could see a party of this kind and not understand it's a problem," Sasse said.

He said future A&M residential staffers will be required to undergo more stringent diversity sensitivity training. He said it is too early to tell if any students will be disciplined.

The students who organized the party issued a letter denying their actions were racist.

"We want to apologize for organizing a party with a ghetto theme," the letter said. "We never intended to offend anyone. After talking to our African-American friends, we promised the event will be canceled permanently. ... We have a saying in Walton: It doesn't matter where you're from; you're always welcome in our family."

In recent years, disclosures of similar parties at other universities have generated outcries and even suspensions of fraternities. Most of these parties have been at Southern universities, including Auburn University, the University of Mississippi, the University of Louisville and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. But such parties have been in other areas as well, including a 1998 party at Ivy-League Dartmouth College that drew heated protests.

Texas A&M, with its rich traditions that stem from its past as an all-male, overwhelmingly white school that provided military training to rural youths, is often regarded as inhospitable to minorities.

University officials were similarly embarrassed last year after the student newspaper published several editorial cartoons that were offensive to various ethnic groups. Student demonstrators had what was described as the largest rally over race relations in the school's 126-year history.

A&M President Robert Gates has repeatedly said since taking over in August that increasing diversity would be one of his top priorities. He recently created the position of vice president for diversity, which has not yet been filled.

A&M senior Odin Clack of Galveston, an organizer of the Black Student Leadership conference, said the revelations of the parties have not generated much discussion among the black student leaders. He said such parties are not necessarily offensive, adding that he did not know enough about the A&M parties to make a judgment.
May 5, 2002
damn the United States hasnt really changed.. its real sad.. shit like this makes black folks more apprehensive.. and its 2 bad that this shit isnt on mass media so ppl can see the things only black ppl really hear about... its a damn shame that there r black ppl who really aren't black who support that shit
Dec 27, 2002
Texas A&M does not represent the whole United States. I see this type of story and all it invokes in me is pity. Why should I get angry at another muthafuckas ignorance? Knowing that some white folks are bigots and racists does not lead me to think they all are.

It's fucked up that that type of shit still happens, but until this universe collapses you can bet that there will ALWAYS be certain muthafuckas who will try to clown other races and other people who are different than them.

Fuck those racist bitches and anybody that supports em.
Jul 6, 2002
Tenkamenin said:

"Such incidents show a lack of respect for others, are destructive

to the residence hall community, and are a disgrace and

embarrassment ...

"A&M is known for its friendliness,"

"What's the problem?"

"We're having a hard time understanding how anyone could see

a party of this kind and not understand it's a problem,"

"We want to apologize for organizing a party with a ghetto


"We never intended to offend anyone. After talking to our African-

American friends, we promised the event will be canceled

permanently. ... We have a saying in Walton: It doesn't matter

where you're from; you're always welcome in our family."

In recent years, disclosures of similar parties at other universities have generated outcries and even suspensions of fraternities. Most of these parties have been at Southern universities, including Auburn University, the University of Mississippi, the University of Louisville and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. But such parties have been in other areas as well, including a 1998 party at Ivy-League Dartmouth College that drew heated protests.
Jul 6, 2002
...just a reminder...

"They wanna soun like, wanna dress like, wanna be like, ride

like, get high like make cheese like..." 3-6

"Ya Unnastann?"- Juvenile
Dec 27, 2002
This is wht they really think about you...
You just perpetuatin bullshit. You aint inside the mind of every white person on the planet. You are overgeneralizing an entire race of people the same way they are doing with their bullshit racial mockery.

Get past that shit mayn. You have got to be one ignorant cat if you really think ALL white people think with that good ole boy racist mentality. And any white person who thinks that ALL black folks is criminals is equally ignorant.
Jul 6, 2002
Um... I live in the South, and I attend Auburn University...You can say what you want to...but racism is relaity to me (an everyday part of my life my dear friend), not just some news article...so you can talk all that sugar coated goody two shoe talk, but I aint buyin it/
Plus, I know for a fact that ALL whitefolx dont think with the "good ole boy" (what's the name of that party republicans belong to again?? *scratches head*) mentality, but come holla at me in Robert E. Lee County here in the "Heart of Dixie" and see if your perception of "whitefolx" in gerneral isnt altered!
Dec 27, 2002
You don't know who you talkin to potna. I got family in Mississippi and I've been there and experienced the hatred firsthand. I've dealt with that shit there and elsewhere all my life, that shit aint nothin new to me.

Racism is a reality to EVERYBODY dog, boo fuckin hoo, big fuckin deal. I aint kickin no sugar coated shit to you, I just aint so ignorant that I'ma generalize an entire race of people based on what the dumbest muthafuckas in that race do. Muthafuckas is individuals, regardless of they race, and they get treated with the respect due them according to their words and actions.

I'm a cat that's been called everything from tarbaby to nigger to mayate, and I've seen white kids get punked and jacked for settin foot in the wrong hood and they didn't do nothin wrong but be white. What do you think their perception of black folks is after that?

Runnin back home talkin bout "all black people is racist" is some bitch shit, and you perpetuatin that lil ole waa waaa "this is what they really think about you" shit is also some bitch shit. That shit sounds like some shit a snivelin little woe is me type bitch says. I don't water shit down or sugar coat it, I call it as I see it.
Jul 6, 2002
i ain nann bitch, an you can bet dat!

Vyasadeva said:
You don't know who you talkin to potna.
Who are you supposed to be? Who do you think you are? You my "potna," then turn around and label me a "bitch"? Naw..
I read in post earlier that you said you dont think you're smart, I'm confirming this for you...I know you will refute this comment of mine and more than likely say that I'm not that intelligent either, but I dont have self doubt sucka!

Vyasadeva said:
I got family in Mississippi and I've been there and experienced the hatred firsthand. I've dealt with that shit there and elsewhere all my life, that shit aint nothin new to me.
Welcome to tha club "potna"...

Vyasadeva said:
Racism is a reality to EVERYBODY dog, boo fuckin hoo, big fuckin deal.
Some peole prefer to close there eyes and pretend that it doesnt exist...Have you ever met anyone that claimed to be "colorblind"?

Vyasadeva said:
I aint kickin no sugar coated shit to you, I just aint so ignorant that I'ma generalize an entire race of people based on what the dumbest muthafuckas in that race do.
Oh you must have read in between the lines of my comments on this thread and saw racial ephitets hurled at a particular ethnicity of people or something? Did I name call? Place the blame on someone else for my own problems?

No & No!

All I said that was my perception of white people have changed by being in a racially sensitive/hostile environment.

Vyasadeva said:
Muthafuckas is individuals, regardless of they race, and they get treated with the respect due them according to their words and actions.
^I know you are still a peasant and havnt been involved in many threads where I have said this, over and over, many times...

Vyasadeva said:
I'm a cat that's been called everything from tarbaby to nigger to mayate, and I've seen white kids get punked and jacked for settin foot in the wrong hood and they didn't do nothin wrong but be white. What do you think their perception of black folks is after that?
If you say I'm a bitch, and you say you're a cat, doesnt that make you a pussy? So, did you punch anyone of those people for disrespecting you when they called you those names? Or did you just let is slide, b/c you were scared to defend yourself, like a bitch?

The high school I wentr to my senior year consisted of an overwhelmingly black majority, and I saw alot of whites get punked or beat up for no reason...Everytime I saw underslassmen doing this, I called 'em on it and told them it wasnt right...And I think I already have pretty clear perception of what racist whitefolx think about blax... You must have had your eyes shut and missed reading the article above, or the pix that I posted that occurred at the same institution of higher learning that I attend?

Vyasadeva said:
Runnin back home talkin bout "all black people is racist" is some bitch shit, and you perpetuatin that lil ole waa waaa "this is what they really think about you" shit is also some bitch shit.
Naw, that's some coward shit! Dont talk about it, be about it, esecially if ya got beefs! And even though you think it's "bitch shit," it's reality...Can you tell me who you thought I was talking about when I said "they"? Alright then, quit jumpin to conclusions and keep on skippin to my leiu...
And that lil interlude snippit on Ice Cube's Amerikkk'a Most Wanted, that was some "bitch shit" too huh? Or was that a true representaion of reality from a blackman in America's perspective?

Vyasadeva said:
That shit sounds like some shit a snivelin little woe is me type bitch says. I don't water shit down or sugar coat it, I call it as I see it.
I dont know who you are trying to impress with the name callin, but it sure takes one to know one...
Dec 27, 2002
Who are you supposed to be? Who do you think you are? You my "potna," then turn around and label me a "bitch"? Naw..
I'm a man addressing somebody that assumes I aint never been in the south and that I aint had to deal with racism. You aint the only one.

And I didn't say you was a bitch, I said whinin like a lil hoe and perpetuatin stereotypes is BITCH SHIT. Don't matter who does it, it is bitch type behavior.

Some peole prefer to close there eyes and pretend that it doesnt exist...Have you ever met anyone that claimed to be "colorblind"?
Recognizing it exists is one thing. Generalizations and perpetuation of it is another.

V: I aint kickin no sugar coated shit to you, I just aint so ignorant that I'ma generalize an entire race of people based on what the dumbest muthafuckas in that race do.

F: Oh you must have read in between the lines of my comments on this thread and saw racial ephitets hurled at a particular ethnicity of people or something? Did I name call? Place the blame on someone else for my own problems?
What are you illiterate? I didn't say anything about you using epithets, name calling, or placing the blame. I said it is ignorant to GENERALIZE AN ENTIRE RACE BASED ON THE ACTIONS OF A FEW DUMB MUTHAFUCKAS. Which is what you do when you kick that "this is what they really think about you" shit.

All I said that was my perception of white people have changed by being in a racially sensitive/hostile environment.
Then you ARE as dumb as you sound, because you recognize that you are in a "racially sensitive/hostile environment", yet you are using that experience to generalize all whiteys and let them ignorant muthafuckas affect your perception of an entire race.

If you say I'm a bitch, and you say you're a cat, doesnt that make you a pussy?

So, did you punch anyone of those people for disrespecting you when they called you those names? Or did you just let is slide, b/c you were scared to defend yourself, like a bitch?
That shit really used to faze me, and I got into alot of shit over it because I could not control my anger. I came from the shoulders many times and sliced one ese in his mouth and widened his smile for poppin that shit.

As you get wiser you realize that you can't eradicate ignorance, and if you let that shit eat you up and you can't control yourself, then YOU become the one who is ignorant.

A muthafucka calls me that shit today I smile and laugh. Words is words, they aint shit but vibrating air. Somebody invades my space or swings on me, that's a different situation.

The high school I wentr to my senior year consisted of an overwhelmingly black majority, and I saw alot of whites get punked or beat up for no reason...Everytime I saw underslassmen doing this, I called 'em on it and told them it wasnt right...And I think I already have pretty clear perception of what racist whitefolx think about blax... You must have had your eyes shut and missed reading the article above, or the pix that I posted that occurred at the same institution of higher learning that I attend?
Nahh, I read the article, saw the pics, and I have heard about these type of parties for like the last 3 years. The shit those whiteys pulled is bitchmade, and if they got they asses stomped out believe me I would have no problem with that.

All I'm sayin is that it is a bullshit statement to imply that all whitefolks "think this way about you". You are taking an incident and extrapolating it to describe the feelings of all white folks, and that generalization shit is bullshit any way you slice it.

Naw, that's some coward shit! Dont talk about it, be about it, esecially if ya got beefs! And even though you think it's "bitch shit," it's reality...
It AINT reality. Those faggots do NOT represent all white people, just like the cats in the hood that fuck whiteys up for bein white do NOT represent all black people.

The existence of prejudice might be reality, but it is still BITCH SHIT.

Can you tell me who you thought I was talking about when I said "they"?
"They" is a general term. And the pictures you put up showed white boys. If you meant something specific and not general why didn't you say who you meant?

And that lil interlude snippit on Ice Cube's Amerikkk'a Most Wanted, that was some "bitch shit" too huh? Or was that a true representaion of reality from a blackman in America's perspective?
Yeah, that was bitch shit too. That wasn't no "true representation" of SHIT! It was a fuckin scene from a movie. Some cats really can't separate entertainment from reality.

Look at the shit he was talking on that album, and now look at that hollywood ass nigga going on leno, conan, and making movies with the whiteys he was sayin hate us. That muthafucka aint slick, he turned into exactly what he was clowning! "think about it, fuckin SELLOUT". I wonder what Cube thinks of himself as he cashes all those checks from the Jews he talked all that shit about. Do you think he thinks he is a sellout?

I dont know who you are trying to impress with the name callin, but it sure takes one to know one...
I aint callin YOU a bitch, I'm sayin that takin that woe is me booo hooo attitude is BITCH TYPE SHIT. Ice Cube makin that interlude was also BITCH TYPE SHIT, especially when we find out 10 years later that he ends up being the exact same sellout nigga that he was talkin shit about in the interlude.

And that virtual slap shit is the pinnacle of gay shit. :classic:
Jul 6, 2002
Vyasadeva said:

I'm a man addressing somebody that assumes I aint never been in the south and that I aint had to deal with racism. You aint the only one.
I never assumed that you had or hadnt been in the south..but since you have been to Mississippi, how was your experience there? Warm and friendly? True what they say about Suthern Hospitality? Did you really peep game? How where the whitefolx responding to you when you were in thier presence?

Vyasadeva said:
And I didn't say you was a bitch, I said whinin like a lil hoe and perpetuatin stereotypes is BITCH SHIT. Don't matter who does it, it is bitch type behavior.
You were inferring it, and there is a difference between stereotypes and reality..it just happends that for me what you perceive to be a sterotype is actaully a reality to me...

FoeTwin said:

the club in Auburn called "The Blue Room"

banned doo-rags, headscarfs, bandannas, cornrows and FUBU

clothing earlier this year to show thier support to the rich

fratdaddies who want to come hang out and not have their white

girlfriends swooped by game-tight real ones like myself?
Overstand that, potna...

Vyasadeva said:
Recognizing it exists is one thing. Generalizations and perpetuation of it is another.

Oh really? So what's krakkin with this "whitey" talk? You are about to start telling on yourself....now that's bitch shit!

Vyasadeva said:
What are you illiterate? I didn't say anything about you using epithets, name calling, or placing the blame. I said it is ignorant to GENERALIZE AN ENTIRE RACE BASED ON THE ACTIONS OF A FEW DUMB MUTHAFUCKAS. Which is what you do when you kick that "this is what they really think about you" shit.
No, actually I am e- Litterate! I know you failed to mention that I didnt use ephitets, place blame, or or name call because i didnt, I simply stated in the heading of a thread "this is what they really think about you" that portrayed some drunk caucasian college students in a clan robe behind a confederate flag who had a noose around the neck of another perpatrator in blackface...What's wrong with that analysis?
So tell us all, who is "whitey?"

Vyasadeva said:
Then you ARE as dumb as you sound, because you recognize that you are in a "racially sensitive/hostile environment", yet you are using that experience to generalize all whiteys and let them ignorant muthafuckas affect your perception of an entire race.

FoeTwin said:
but of course America was created and conceived with the notion to preserve the "white" race, in the form of legal laws to protect and defend them.... In the part of the South where I rezzide, politics are not to be ignored.
It wasn't until '92 that the city officially integrated the breakroom for city employees! That's 22 years after they integrated the schools; Thirty-eight years after the Brown vs Board of Education clearly stated that "seperate, but equal" was ruled unconstituional!

Vyasadeva said:
Not a laughing matter, but if you fail to read the truth in my statement you are more ignorant than you just portrayed me to be...

Vyasadeva said:
That shit really used to faze me, and I got into alot of shit over it because I could not control my anger. I came from the shoulders many times and sliced one ese in his mouth and widened his smile for poppin that shit.

As you get wiser you realize that you can't eradicate ignorance, and if you let that shit eat you up and you can't control yourself, then YOU become the one who is ignorant.
True True...

Vyasadeva said:
Nahh, I read the article, saw the pics, and I have heard about these type of parties for like the last 3 years. The shit those whiteys pulled is bitchmade, and if they got they asses stomped out believe me I would have no problem with that.
So what's your beefs wit me agian? You and I obviously have a misunderstanding...

Vyasadeva said:
All I'm sayin is that it is a bullshit statement to imply that all whitefolks "think this way about you". You are taking an incident and extrapolating it to describe the feelings of all white folks, and that generalization shit is bullshit any way you slice it.
So you can smell what I'm steppin in too then huh?

Vyasadeva said:
It AINT reality. Those faggots do NOT represent all white people, just like the cats in the hood that fuck whiteys up for bein white do NOT represent all black people.
Your perception of what is "reality" differs from mine, but other than that I agree with the rest of what you say above..

Vyasadeva said:
The existence of prejudice might be reality, but it is still BITCH SHIT.
True True...
Jul 6, 2002
Originally posted by Vyasadeva:
"They" is a general term. And the pictures you put up showed white boys. If you meant something specific and not general why didn't you say who you meant?
I thought the visual aid below the words would be good enough..must I explain eveything in an elaborate fashion? You can put two and two together...cant you?

Originally posted by Vyasadeva: Yeah, that was bitch shit too. That wasn't no "true representation" of SHIT! It was a fuckin scene from a movie. Some cats really can't separate entertainment from reality.
You have to think about the message in the context it was used and in the time period it was used in. I think it's pretty acurate for that time in Amerikkka...You know, If blackfolx bones werent so heavy and we could all swim, we would already be back in Africa! lol j/k

Originally posted by Vyasadeva: Look at the shit he was talking on that album, and now look at that hollywood ass nigga going on leno, conan, and making movies with the whiteys he was sayin hate us. That muthafucka aint slick, he turned into exactly what he was clowning! "think about it, fuckin SELLOUT". I wonder what Cube thinks of himself as he cashes all those checks from the Jews he talked all that shit about. Do you think he thinks he is a sellout?
"EVERY MUTHAFUCKA WITTA COLOR IS MOST WANTED!" ~from "Amerikkkaz Most Wanted," by Ice Cube

Has he sold out? Yeah to Benny Frank, Andy Jo, Hammy Ton, Linc Dawg, and Wash Loak...

"I NEVA TOLD YA HOW TO GET DOWN, IT'S ALL ABOUT COMMIN UP!"~from "The Nigga You Love to Hate," by Ice Cube

Originally posted by Vyasadeva:I aint callin YOU a bitch, I'm sayin that takin that woe is me booo hooo attitude is BITCH TYPE SHIT. Ice Cube makin that interlude was also BITCH TYPE SHIT, especially when we find out 10 years later that he ends up being the exact same sellout nigga that he was talkin shit about in the interlude.
You're sicc.. Cube knows caucasians are coppin the most of his albums, so he's a sell out? Naw, he still a ganxta in his own right g, he dont have to rap anymore if he doesnt want to...he can flip a movie, do a cameo appearence on a tv show..basically his success had enabled him to have access to other avenues outside of music...He aint like these other sell outs, rappin about Prada, Abercrombie and Fitch or voting rupublican holmes...

Originally posted by Vyasadeva:And that virtual slap shit is the pinnacle of gay shit. :classic:
Your faggot ass enjoyed it, punk!
