Can someone explain to me how in the future the robots still existed, and the war still raged even though both processors were destroyed, the fuckin' building was blown to smithereens, and the creator of the machines dies as well, along with all of his research.
Also, just the fact that John Connor can send a machine back in time, proves that he is NEVER killed in the past no matter how many times he's attacked by a terminator. Otherwise, he wouldn't be there to send a machine back in the first place?
Time travel is bullshit.
Also, all that aside, someone let me know why the fuck after all these years John Connor keeps sending back the same bullshit terminators? I mean fuck, send back a liquid metal one so you don't have to worry about it getting moist and rusting like the old piece of shit it is. Why doesn't he just send back the tin man to protect Dorothy and we'll all just sit back and pretend that this stupid fuckin' thing can run around with a .45 and 900 clips in it's belt, and take out a spiderman/superman/the hulk/wolverine/liquid/metal/rock/grim reaper hybrid with laserbeams for eyes and d-cup grenades for tits.
Here's a plan, send two terminators next time, idiots. Fuck it, send 50. Send 25 to kill Sarah Connor, 5 to kill John Connor in another time, and 20 to kill Sarah Connors parents.
Problem solved.