Tech should do a song with "bone thugs n harmony" that would be tight..... and i herd he's makin a video for "imma tell" is that true???? hopefully.... -Matthew-
Welcome to the Strange board homie. Good question man, just use the search function in the upper right hand corner of the screen cuz we've talked about this topic before.
You've now got the VIRUS, so go spread it hommie. FTI!!!!
Yeah, there makina video but you might want some more info so search. On the Bone thugs it would be tight just like tech with 100 other artist ya know.
Man, I ain't even ever heard their new shit. That cd is the the one that makes me dislike them. God, just thinking about Bone makes that East 1999 nonsense echo in my head. I think I'm going to be ill. What a horrific piece of shit.
Sorry to rain on your parade. Go back to your pro-Bone stuff now. I'll try to think about something else.
I just don't like bone. I gave you a hard time about Tucson in the tour thread, but even tacked on some comment about just fuckin w/ ya cause I didn't recognize the name and figured you didn't know I was merely a jackass. I don't think anything else I said in that thread anywhere resembled talking shit or being negative. Can't say I can recall any other conversations I've had w/ you.
I think this is directed at Zero, but in any event you'll have an opportunity to meet me at the Tempe show. I think you'll find I'm pretty much the same in person. Hell, I'll even buy you a beer before I start cracking on Tucson.