why does alcohol give you a hangover?
why is bush the president?
why is there so much suffering in the world?
well, shit doesn't always go the way it should.
on the real tho,
-you have to get a certain amount of radio play to get on mtv.
-radio is punks
-mtv pays little attention to artists over25 years old, unless they were "stars" before they were 25 years old.
-tech's stuff wouldn't fit the norm of what the media wants to force-feed little kids of america (bling bling, materialistic bullshit, with little or no real life applicativity {is that a real word?, man, i'm stupid]
another thing not really on the same topic but you'd never see a Black Flag song on MTV and you wouldn't see a Public Enemy song (unless it's that one song they sometimes play) they wouldn't play political shit like that, but what they do is they put Chuck D and Henry Rollins on the channel as 'talkin heads' or commentators for different shit, those fuckers are everywhere... but not their message and their music... it's like mtv 's trying convince "hey we're cool, we put these people on , not just some mindless bubble gum shit as you all claim"
i dont' know