Tech N9ne Makes His Film Debut

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Feb 12, 2003
why does it seem as if every thing tech is associated with is some 3rd class bullshit...

Dam when I first looked at the topic i was thinking he was gonna be in a "real" movie..

techs music,just like this movie seem to be an ever ending local story
Nov 14, 2002
A real movie like what? "Biker Boyz"??? LoL. 3rd class shit doesn't get into Kan, and if you knew anything about film, you'd be happy that he's doing what seems like a pretty interesting indie/doc.

When Tech does a movie more on your level... Like Legally Blonde, 2, T9HQ will let us know.
Feb 12, 2003
Zer0.MediA said:
A real movie like what? "Biker Boyz"??? LoL. 3rd class shit doesn't get into Kan, and if you knew anything about film, you'd be happy that he's doing what seems like a pretty interesting indie/doc.

When Tech does a movie more on your level... Like Legally Blonde, 2, T9HQ will let us know.

lol..I still see you are trying to get revenge

but we both know if you want to do somthing we can meet up when you visit kc

other than that you can keep joking on the net making these faggs laugh...
Aug 21, 2002
Ha, Ha, Ha @ Tech Driver....

That shit looks funny. They should actually make a "Real" movie like that and have other big artists in it... I think that it will be tight. Have like bad ass kids on the bus and Tech cursing them out and old ass women trying to fight him, and people sleep on the bus, you know the typical Kansas City bus rider attitude...

I honestly believe that if they re-wrote the script and sold it to someone that could put some big dollars behind it, that could be like Tech's "8 Mile" if they really emulate real life, and struggles to make it in the industry into it. Who's with me on this one....

Dont let me get started, cause I'd write the whole fuckin' movie off top of my head....
Aug 8, 2002
delgado-Why is it that every post you make has to have that "personal" touch. Like Tech not blowing up fucks up your life?

What big movies do you want to see him in? Mainstream shit like the shit Ja Rule is in? I haven't seen this movie yet, but it sounds real cool and I hope Tech can get in another few independent films. This isn't a 3rd rate movie. Zero is right, as much as i hate to say that, Opening for the KAN Film Festival is a pretty big thing. And it's not like it's Tech's movie. Why you pinning this on him like it's his fault the movie isn't a big one? This movie is pretty much like someone from Kansas City asking him to be on a track. There is not a lot of expectations for it other than locally and on the Festival circuit. You really need to get your mind right homie and stop thinking that just because Tech doesn't have a video on MTV that he's not doing big things.

Feb 12, 2003
techn9nehq said:
delgado-Why is it that every post you make has to have that "personal" touch. Like Tech not blowing up fucks up your life?

What big movies do you want to see him in? Mainstream shit like the shit Ja Rule is in? I haven't seen this movie yet, but it sounds real cool and I hope Tech can get in another few independent films. This isn't a 3rd rate movie. Zero is right, as much as i hate to say that, Opening for the KAN Film Festival is a pretty big thing. And it's not like it's Tech's movie. Why you pinning this on him like it's his fault the movie isn't a big one? This movie is pretty much like someone from Kansas City asking him to be on a track. There is not a lot of expectations for it other than locally and on the Festival circuit. You really need to get your mind right homie and stop thinking that just because Tech doesn't have a video on MTV that he's not doing big things.


it an opinion..and its there a personal touch with you when some one questions tech progress???

it goes both ways homie!!!

I bet many long time tech fans want to hear "big" news from an artist who is talented,and has been around for a long time.
Aug 8, 2002
so Tech beginning to dabble into acting isn't "big" news? What did you expect? Him to jump right in and get a big role in the Matrix or some shit?

I think you've set the bar too high for Tech too soon. It almost sounds like anything less than an oscar winning performance his first time out the box is a waste of time.

I'm just not understanding your "support by bashing" methods.

Aug 20, 2002
Some people are just never happy

Congrats Tech on this indie film cameo, Maybe we will see it on IFC or something.

Tech fans in Kansas City be sure to go and check the debut out, should be a good time.

Feb 12, 2003
techn9nehq said:
so Tech beginning to dabble into acting isn't "big" news? What did you expect? Him to jump right in and get a big role in the Matrix or some shit?

I think you've set the bar too high for Tech too soon. It almost sounds like anything less than an oscar winning performance his first time out the box is a waste of time.

I'm just not understanding your "support by bashing" methods.


you are being is doing a fucking documentary by and unknow kc director,and hes a bus driver!!! is attemping to blow up in the point!!!!!...he has to blow up in music before anything will come out of acting.

the documentary is not big you think fucking "damon dash" is gonna see the documentary and say.."hey that bus driver was gonna sign him to a record deal!!! lol

I believe you are catching feelings,because you expected to recieve praise for posting this news...

I just have an opinion that may be different than yours...let it be..HOMIE!!!
Aug 8, 2002
delgado said:

I believe you are catching feelings,because you expected to recieve praise for posting this news...

No feelings here, yeah I live for praise. I need it to justify my life.

Anyway.....i respect your it a waste of time or whatever you feel. But being in this film for a quick scene isn't hurting his music. Who knows......Dame Dash might see this movie and think "damn, this here comes tecca nina song is pretty tight, is this the same dude that was on tour with Jay-Z?" You never know. What the fuck does Tech need to get signed to another record deal for? So his albums take 2 years to come out? So he has to go through the process of getting songs taken off albums because they aren't mainstream enough? Keep on with your pessimistic thought process, it's gotten you this far.

Feb 12, 2003
techn9nehq said:

No feelings here, yeah I live for praise. I need it to justify my life.

Anyway.....i respect your it a waste of time or whatever you feel. But being in this film for a quick scene isn't hurting his music. Who knows......Dame Dash might see this movie and think "damn, this here comes tecca nina song is pretty tight, is this the same dude that was on tour with Jay-Z?" You never know. What the fuck does Tech need to get signed to another record deal for? So his albums take 2 years to come out? So he has to go through the process of getting songs taken off albums because they aren't mainstream enough? Keep on with your pessimistic thought process, it's gotten you this far.

besides his albums coming out in 2 also forgot the big money that will be used to promote overlooked that just to make your

you have your opinions and i have mine
yeah maybey the movie can help his carrer but what good does it do if only local tech fans see it??

now if it were seen on a mainstream level then i would possibly think it will help....just like his music has to be seen on a mainstream level...HOMIE!!
Dec 2, 2002
what good does it do if only local tech fans see it??

well it will be a tight miovie for us to see

why else does tech do most of the shit he does? FOR HIS FANS!

why does every single move tech makes have to be about becoming mainstream?