I just picked up the Rocktron Banshee and it tells me nothing about how I am suppose to set it up. Does anyone knoe how to hook it up
I have a MIDI keyboard a mic and a and the MBox.
Should I plug it in to the MBox and put the tube up to the mic ?????
Put the tube in your mouth. Connect the output of your soundcard to the input of the talkbox. Play something on your keyboard and route it to the output that is connected to your talkbox. Try a detuned saw patch.
Well I bought the Yamaha DX 100 thats what Roger used at one time with the talk box.....I go out of the keyboards output into the Bashees input and put the tube in my mouth!!!!!
Well I bought the Yamaha DX 100 thats what Roger used at one time with the talk box.....I go out of the keyboards output into the Bashees input and put the tube in my mouth!!!!!
Do you have the patch that Roger used? If not I have the directions for how to set it up somewhere. Get at me if you need that. I could use a sample of it if you already have it.