Symptoms of mental retardation and autism have been reversed in lab

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May 13, 2002
Symptoms of mental retardation and autism have been reversed for the first time in laboratory mice.

US scientists created mice that showed symptoms of Fragile X Syndrome - a leading cause of mental retardation and autism in humans.

They then reversed symptoms of the condition by inhibiting the action of an enzyme in the brain.

The study, by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, appears in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Fragile X Syndrome is linked to mutation in a gene carried on the X chromosome called FMR1.

It can cause symptoms ranging from mild learning disabilities to severe autism.

The researchers, based at MIT's Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, targeted an enzyme called PAK which affects the number, size and shape of connection between brain cells.

They found that inhibiting the enzyme stopped mice with Fragile X Syndrome behaving in erratic ways.

Prior to treatment they showed signs of hyperactivity, purposeless and repetitive movements.

Abnormalities corrected

Further analysis showed that not only were structural abnormalities in connections between brain cells righted, proper electrical communication was restored between the cells.

In the brain small protrusions called dendritic spines are responsible for communication between cells.

People with Fragile X Syndrome have more dendritic spines than usual, but each is longer and thinner, and transmits weaker electric signals.

Blocking PAK activity in the lab mice corrected these abnormalities.

Researcher Dr Susumu Tonegawa stressed that the mice were not treated until a few weeks after symptoms of disease first appeared.

"This implies that future treatment may still be effective even after symptoms are already pronounced," he said.

Professor Eric Klann, of New York University's Center for Neural Science, agreed that the research was potentially significant.

He said: "This is very exciting because it suggests that PAK inhibitors could be used for therapeutic purposes to reverse already established mental impairments in fragile X children."


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
Tonegawa's been in the news a lot lately...

Now you need to find PAK inhibitors that can cross the BBB and try them in humans

BTW where's the soul in this whole PAK1-6/FRMP1/proteins/small_RNAs mess?
Jul 10, 2002
Have you ever taught autistic kids? Have you ever volunteered in a lab where they gave rats a gene to make them retarded, then cure them? Have you ever even seen someone with a mental disability?

If you answer 'no' to any or all of those questions, please delete this thread immediately.


For real though, imagine the breakthroughs we'll have once we start exploring stem cells further. Not like it really matter's though, eugenic's is decreasing the number of down syndrome birth's every year, in the West at least. Thus, there's no economies of scale for this to be developed on a large scale, the 3rd world won't be able to afford it, and there won't be enough demand in the west. This may be the sad reality of it.

Although, if this discovery can also link to a 'cure' for those who suffer the tragic effects of brain damage, there could be a market for this.
Dec 8, 2005
man if they could reverse the negative effects of autism and leave the savant characterstics, then autism could eventually be seen as a evolutionary advantage in some cases. some of the skills these savants have are absolutely mindblowing.