Survivor Series Thoughts...

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Sep 1, 2003
haha lita went out a looser ass bitch then.......

i knew for a fact dave would win it

first....the whole king BOOKA bullshit is gettin sure even he was gettin sicc of since batista signd that agreement....that he'd never get another chance....i knew right away they'd give him the belt at SS
Aug 26, 2005
Let's see...

...all the Legends (except Flair) must be deathly out of shape, b/c that match was slow as all shit. Those guys don't move at any pace above slow walking. And no way in hell Flair is gonna beat 3 young dudes.

...Cryme Tyme is funny as all hell.

...Team DX vs. Team RKO was complete bullshit. NOBODY on Team DX gets eliminated? Squash 2 of the top superstars like Edge and Orton? Get thee fuck outta here. Although I must admit, it was funny as hell how DX pretty much buried Mike Knox's career.

...I thought Mr. Kennedy died from that chairshot. Holy shit.

...I think they dropped the ball with Umaga on this one. They should've at least started setting up his feud with Cena.

...Batista the champ? Weak fucking sauce. Dude has no moves, from what I've seen, the only shit he ever says on the mic is "I'm gonna get my title back." He only has the belt b/c kiddies fucking love the guy, and they only love him for the same reason they love Lashley- he's a big fucking steroid addict.

1 heel win for the whole card (Kennedy)... I think that's pretty wack.


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
Sounds pretty lame, I'm sick and tired of DXs asses getting put over week after week.

Good to hear Kennedy won though

Booker had a good run, he couldn't be the champ forever. Isn't be about to retire soon anyways? Batista is hella old too though he probably won't be around much longer either
Aug 26, 2005
jayda650 said:
Booker had a good run, he couldn't be the champ forever. Isn't be about to retire soon anyways?/QUOTE]

I heard Booker just signed a long term extension recently... something like he's a lot happier in the business now that his wife is on the road with him.
Feb 8, 2003
Batista is old at age to be still wrestling he didnt achieve greatness quite yet thats why they giving him another strong tittle run bc he is 40+ and injury prone which means he has a good 5 years or less left in him..

I think Booker is gonna go to ECW or Raw real soon.
Dec 30, 2003
Cesolito #1 said:
Batista is old at age to be still wrestling he didnt achieve greatness quite yet thats why they giving him another strong tittle run bc he is 40+ and injury prone which means he has a good 5 years or less left in him..

I think Booker is gonna go to ECW or Raw real soon.
yea he almost 40.... hes like 36 or 37 sumn like that
Sep 1, 2003
lmao @ batista

i mean shit he aint nothin special....but its bout time he got it bacc

fucc i wish he would have batista bombd charmel.....damnit....bitch deserves it for all the times she beat him over the head with that fuccin scepter an laughed

i like how he cheated to win just like booker was gonna do....haha