Damn . . . that's an excellent deal! I need to get my turntable working again. I still have a vinyl copy of their second release . . . it probably sounds like shit from being so scratched up!
I remember my uncles playing that shit back the late 80's(it came out in what 82-3 I think) , they look the first fools from NLR...lol good video though
I remember my uncles playing that shit back the late 80's(it came out in what 82-3 I think) , they look the first fools from NLR...lol good video though
I went to HS with some fool from there he was half Mexican/White. As long as you're half white and whatever else (except black, that crip satement you heard was false) they might accept you. I lived in the same apartments as some of them fools and they were crazy they rolled like a mexican gang too. They seemed to get along with the neighborhood that ran the apartments too. I didn't have no problems with them but that was about 7-8 years ago.