been contimplatin sum thangs as far as studio time goes....should i hit da studio or not? i got me a OK setup at the crib wit a pre-amp, OK soundcard, and pretty nice mic....and when i rec it sounds clean, like when i solo out just the voice, it sounds whut my question it really neccessay to hit da studio if i can already get a clean sound at home? i mean a voice is a voice on a trac as long as it is clear, and whuteva needs to be fixed up can be done thru u think i should just record at home and bring all my vocal tracs to a professional mixer and let him touch em up....wouldnt u think it would sound studio quality after he put the whoopty wop on it? ....i mean that would save me alot of money (studio time) and also the comforatablity of recording at my house, and not having to worry about finishing a verse on time or whutnot.....but lemme kno yalls opinion on this, so i can get a good idea of whut yall think.