Stolen from Open Forum...
Catagories are:
Best Poster
Worst Poster
Biggest Groupie
Most Knowledgeable (Strange Music)
Most Knowledgeable (General)
Most Talented Poster (music, art, etc.)
Best New Poster
Comeback Poster of the Year
Best Signature
Best Avitar
Lifetime Achievement Award
Most Entertaining Poster
Clueless Poster
Best Thread
Worst Thread
Where Are They Now Award
Most Hated
Most Loved
Cassanova Award
I Have A Lot Of Posts But Never Say Shit Award
Biggest Cockblock Award
Captian Save-a-hoe Award
Biggest Douche
Biggest Asshole (figuratively)
Biggest Asshole (literally)
Best Appearance By A Strange Music Artist or Employee
I will be making a list of possible nominations for these awards. If you think someone is deserving of an award, post your nomination. Also If you think I missed a catagory, please post.
A secret board of Strange Music vets will be deciding on the ultimate outcome of this first Annual Strange Music Board Awards. This is all in fun...please don't get all hurt if you are mentioned in a negative manner.
Catagories are:
Best Poster
Worst Poster
Biggest Groupie
Most Knowledgeable (Strange Music)
Most Knowledgeable (General)
Most Talented Poster (music, art, etc.)
Best New Poster
Comeback Poster of the Year
Best Signature
Best Avitar
Lifetime Achievement Award
Most Entertaining Poster
Clueless Poster
Best Thread
Worst Thread
Where Are They Now Award
Most Hated
Most Loved
Cassanova Award
I Have A Lot Of Posts But Never Say Shit Award
Biggest Cockblock Award
Captian Save-a-hoe Award
Biggest Douche
Biggest Asshole (figuratively)
Biggest Asshole (literally)
Best Appearance By A Strange Music Artist or Employee
I will be making a list of possible nominations for these awards. If you think someone is deserving of an award, post your nomination. Also If you think I missed a catagory, please post.
A secret board of Strange Music vets will be deciding on the ultimate outcome of this first Annual Strange Music Board Awards. This is all in fun...please don't get all hurt if you are mentioned in a negative manner.