Nahhh, I dont drive the truck, that's Roy and Patrick. I travel a lot, so I use my own truck to do the promoting. I just came from Alabama last night. They love the shit I gave them there. Only a handful knew who he was though, but when they heard it, they was on the way to pick it up.
Go to the New Thread that I posted. It says "I can give you the DVD tracks on a CD." Follow those steps, and if you want the posters, I have like 5 of the others left, but a ton of the cross ones. I can send them to the first five people, hopefiully I can get some more. But if you want the poster, just add like 3 bucks to that for shipping and you'll get it.
I'm not asking for a dime to send them, just send the packaging to me.
techn9nehq, you were gonaa sell it to him too huh? LoL!!! If he want's it that bad, then more power to ya..