"""Oil companies are making record profits, and with gas prices at $4 a gallon and higher, there's no excuse to give them billions more in taxpayer subsidies and bailouts.
Article 1: Senate Commity puts big oil execs in the hot seat http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/senate-committee-puts-big-oil-...
Article 2(Letter): In Letter, Reid, Menendez Urge End to Wasteful Handouts to Big Oil Companies http://reid.senate.gov/newsroom/pr_050411_oil.cfm
Article 3: Senate Oil Hearing: Of Tax Breaks And Unicorns
SIGN THE PETITION HERE: http://act.truemajorityaction.org/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=217
Oil Company Executives Defend Tax Breaks: http://www.npr.org/2011/05/13/136266531/oil-company-executives-defend-tax-breaks (Listen to that audio clip again)
TheBigPictureRT: The Real reason why Gas Prices are going up
Alcohol can be a Gas http://www.permaculture.com
Free Energy Truth
Sustainability wiki
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Big thanks to Voiceofreason47 for bring this to my attention
Last year thousands of USAction/TrueMajority members told the Senate to stop sending subsidies and tax breaks to Big Oil in the wake of the BP oil spill. This week, your work is finally paying off as the Senate prepares to vote on a bill that would end $21 billion in oil industry subsidies.1
That's right. As a direct result of your efforts, the Senate is about to vote to cut off subsidies to the oil industry. Our old ally, Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey, is again leading the charge, and this time he's got support from the White House and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.2
But it's not all good news - the heads of the Big Oil companies were on Capitol hill yesterday making the case that they need to keep their bailout.3 One of them even called it "un-American" to end tax-payer subsidies for oil companies that already make billions in profits every quarter.4
We can't let that stand. We need to tell the Senate that it's time to end the Big Oil Bailout -- email your Senators now asking them to stop the Big Oil bailout.
Oil companies are already making record profits.5 With gas prices at $4 a gallon and higher, there's no excuse to give them billions more in taxpayer subsidies and bailouts.
Big Oil gives big money to senators, and that cash buys a lot of friends on Capitol Hill. But thanks to your signatures and the tireless work of Sen. Menendez and others, we're close to breaking the log jam and shutting down big oil's taxpayer spigot.
Help make it happen -- tell your Senators to stop the big oil bailout.
Ross Wallen
1 -- http://www.npr.org/2011/05/13/136266531/oil-company-executives-defend-tax-breaks
2 -- http://reid.senate.gov/newsroom/pr_050411_oil.cfm
3 -- http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2011/05/12/136245735/senate-oil-heari...
4 -- http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/senate-committee-puts-big-oil-...
5 -- http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/05/06/obama-calls-for-end-of-oil-subs...
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Step 3: Download and Mirror the video on your channel w/all the information
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Step 5: Spread the e-mail to all your friends and family.
Step 6: contact your senators in congress to act on your behalf
If you can onlly do one of these, then thank you so much""""