MEXCOM said:
If I did bring these up it would be the same thing. Unless of course you make en excuse such as you were joking when you said that. Or didn't mean it when you said that. But I'm tired (i actually from the last point to this one and am tired. reply to this and i'll exert more energy later.)
Rest my brotha. If you found any, it proves me wrong, and nothing more. I won't play shit out, when I'm exposed or if I've lost, I will admit to my mistakes, give me one, and therein it you find my judging a person.
MEXCOM said:
1. Can you? No. Do you still tell people where they are going? Yes.
2. I know I haven't which is why I'm not so brash about bashing others whose theological beliefs don't agree with mine. Infact I don't think I've ever done it before. Unless of course they're the prick asshole atheist who frequent the boards and need a quick kick in the ass.
When I first came to the GOM, I was inclined into trying to convert or tell all those with theologies contrary to mine, that they would go to hell. Then I took a quick pause, and noticed most of these people I was arguing with, were atheists, like you said. Then I made that stupid thread, where I was ignorant on Islam, I kept digging myself into a whole, until I finally saw my flaws. So MEXCOM, as a FOLLOWER OF THE WAY, if a man were to ask you, "If I reject jesus, after I've inquired about him, would I go to hell?" Would you tell him yes, or put on a front, like many "Christians" and say, as long as you do good, you're ok and put a big smile on your face?
MEXCOM said:
I did prove it. I even showed you where to look. Abraham's Bosom is NOT paradise.
No you didn't, and I'll show you why
MEXCOM said:
I even showed you where to look. Abraham's Bosom is NOT paradise. Paradise is Eden/Heaven/whatever the hell you want to call it.
Surely you can explain this Paradise of which Jesus speaks of in Luke 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. Did Jesus enter Heaven before the 3 day fulfillment? Nah homes, it was paradise and sheol.
MEXCOM said:
Abraham's Bosom is where you go if you're righteous BUT BEFORE you've been judged. These people waiting in paradise are waiting for the judgement.
Exactly what Abraham's Bosom is, thanks for speaking on my behalf.
MEXCOM said:
Read Enoch in it you have Sheol devided into 4 sections depending on who you were in life. One for the goodsaintly [Abrahams Bosom], one of the moderately good waiting for judgement, one for the wicked that are awaiting judgement, and the last one for the wicked that aren't going to receive a "judgement."
Ok, how does this prove that Paradise is not Abraham's Bosom. Why Paradise is exclusive in association with Heaven?
MEXCOM said:
I am a follower of the way in the sense that I believe myself to know and follow the way. But I am the BIGGEST supporter in not judging others for their religious ideals.
When the Disciples entered Greece , what do you think their purpose was, to spread the gospel, which was the good news and Doctrines of Christ right? What do they say to those that worship other gods, Acts 17:25 in conjunction with the First commandment. Do I automatically assume people will go to hell, of course not, in some cases yes. When you preach, do you put a front on, or remain truthful?
MEXCOM said:
I know you don't. You know you don't. Sure you can google it and play it off like you know, but if you did then you wouldn't be idolizing a graven image by wearing it on your person or by having an avatar that alphabetically represents the tetra-grammaton. Jesus wouldn't because he was a Jew, what's your excuse?
No need to google, if my response took so long, I had to look up scripture, and as far as me idolizing a graven image, how so? Jesus Drew a fish, it symbolizes Christianity. Jesus uses the Greek alphabet, Alpha and Omega, to show his deity. In the OT God, used Hebrew Letters in his Temple, and the Torah. I'm probably not getting you at this last post, I think you're tired. More tomorrow since you said you're tired. Unless you want to continue?