it dont matter who plays the giants they always close up shop in the first round...but i would like to see stl go far this year from what ive heard its a great baseball city
I was at the last home game yesterday ho go gettin and man 35,000 plus therrrre
over 3,000,000 for the whole year
tell me we ain't no baseball town and ill slap the shit out u
Schillings gonna punish your fuckin hot-streakin cardinals.
lmao@all of you. Dont you know shit about baseball?
Yea, the Giants got lucky and so did St Luis... But you actually think Schilling is gonna get worked? ha!
and calling him Cand Johnson is all good behind a computer screen, but in person he'd have your bitch ass shakin in your Keds. Not to mention hes arguably the greatest pitcher of alltime.
DAMN! hey Psycho Logic our D-Backs are hangin by a string now. Schilling was pitchin good but I guess not good enough. I ain't givin my hopes up tho. D-Backs in 5!