tango is a faggot...that niggas hat had me weak bout to fall of and shit...i think that shit was hella fake cuz now they are gonna have a new show about thier marrige
LOL I feel you Evil that shit had me rollin.... Tango is a sucka how are you gonna ask Horseface to marry you when a minute ago she was cryin for another dude? She kissed all them ugly ass dudes in front of you and you still gonna ask for her hand in marrage hahaha, this show was ridiculous.:hurt:
NY can't even read. If any of u watched Flavor Of Love season 2 then u know what I'm talkin about. She fucked Chance in Mexico too & Tango asked that bitch 2 take his hand in marriage. If NY looked like Halle Berry I still wouldn't fuck with her based on her moms alone. Niggaz running around shedding tears over this bitch & asking this ho 2 marry'em. Come the fuck on. Chance should of took the 10K's when he had the chance. I would of took 30 bucks to get off that show so 10 Gs would of really made me stand up. I think they gonna give sister Patterson her own show next cuz VH1 iz making a killing off everyone from the Flavor Of Love Tree.