Well I am glad to hear that Tech is goin straight into Killer and not doin Isms anymore. Like he said all those songs are old and shit and I would rather him just start doin all brand new songs again.... JUST DONT TAKE ANOTHER 5 FUCKIN YEARS TO PUT IT OUT TECH!!!
ANywayz, I dont agree with him makin Welcome to the MW the next single... I would much rather see Caribou Lou the single but if there is problems with that I would even rather see Night and Day or even Jellysickle be the single... I just dont think Midwest is a catchy enough song to get radio play. There needs to be a bumpin beat with a chorus that everyone can sing along to in the club... And I just dont feel that from WTTMW... E40 is hella hot right now, at least with him in Jellysickle it would gather more attention for people just wantin to see him in the video...
Or you know what I think would be a great idea... Is for Tech to write 2 more versus to Fuck Em Girl so that he would be on the whole song, or maybe leave Kutts part in there too and make that a new single. That beat is hella coo and the chorus is hella catchy... And then change the title to "Dont Need Em Gurl" or sumthin like that for radio and tv