Spain's new socialist leader and the Madrid bombings

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May 13, 2002
Spain's new socialist leader and the Madrid bombings

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero is set to become Spain's new prime minister after leading his party to an unexpected victory.

The grandson of a Republican army officer shot during the civil war, Mr Rodriguez Zapatero joined the Socialist Party (PSOE) as a teenager in 1979.

He rose through the ranks fast, and became Spain's youngest MP in 1986.

His party was then in power, and united behind the charismatic Felipe Gonzalez. But by the time Mr Zapatero became PSOE leader in 2000, it was in disarray and divided.

The conservative Popular Party (PP) had just won re-election, and the socialists were still tainted by the corruption scandals and sky-high unemployment that had characterised Spain under their rule.

The right stuff?

The 43-year-old leader is widely seen as affable and sophisticated - but some had questioned his ability to change the party's fortunes.

....But following the devastating Madrid train bombings that killed at least 200 - and a videotape in which al-Qaeda allegedly said it carried out the attacks - Spanish voters turned against the Popular Party that had led the country into an unpopular war.


Spain's Socialist Party prime minister-elect says he will pull troops out of Iraq

"The war in Iraq was a disaster, the occupation of Iraq is a disaster." -Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Terror in Madrid
200 Dead. 1,500 wounded
Mar 18, 2003
I thought al-Qaeda had special interest in America -- or significant cultural differences with those who it attacked. Why would they bomb Spain? If this (the report) isn't America's anti-terrorist ploy, and al-Qaeda is responsible for the attack at Madrid, then I think it is more likely they were responsible for 9-11 as well. Lets just hope this "special commissioner" is an intelligent and foreign one. I don't know much about Zapatero, but he seems to have his head in the right place.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Apparently the attacks are because of Spain’s support of the Iraq war and providing troops.

or maybe they are just now paying back spain for the reconquista..... don't you love religion? :confused:
Mar 12, 2004
chalk up a major win for Al-Quida against America and the free world. with the new spanish leader now saying he willl pull their troops from Iraq. you cant defeeat your enemy by appeasing him and/or running from it.
Jul 7, 2002
Hatch said:
chalk up a major win for Al-Quida against America and the free world. with the new spanish leader now saying he willl pull their troops from Iraq. you cant defeeat your enemy by appeasing him and/or running from it.

this mcleanhatch in disguise? whats a matter someone changed your password or something?
Mar 12, 2004
nefar559 said:
this mcleanhatch in disguise?
Yes, this is mcleanHATCH But I am obviously not disguising or even making an effort to disguise anything!!!!

nefar559 said:
whats a matter someone changed your password or something?
ya, that is exactly what happened.

makes me wonder who it might have been being that you brought it up when i havent told ANY1 at all about it.

i guess some kids just have to much time on their hands
May 13, 2002
Hatch said:
chalk up a major win for Al-Quida against America and the free world. with the new spanish leader now saying he willl pull their troops from Iraq. you cant defeeat your enemy by appeasing him and/or running from it.
So Iraq is linked to Al-Quida?

You don't make any sense Hatchet wound...

94% of the people of Spain were against sending troops to the Iraq war.

"In Spain we have witnessed the working of democracy at its finest. The people have shown that when a President goes against the wishes of 94% of the public [by joining the war on Iraq], the people will re-assert their democratic preferences as soon as they get the chance."