juss some shit...
Self Destructive, tryin to do something in my life thats productive-
Positive actions make it constructive-
This world is harsh, so critical-
most struggle for its, too political-
Patriotism is respected, racism neglected-
everyone has favoritism, dream about peace but it aint realism-
Shootin up authority, we need to show love to all, White ,Blacks and minority-
Majority huslte, nuttin wrong with that its a priority-
Go to church for confession, different countries showin agression-
Depression in everyones face, sorrowful expression-
How can you not see the hatred, you dont need 20/20 vision-
Precision for its hurtful when caused in a collision-
love adn hatred have there own division, you pick your side, its your decision-
War is juss bloodbath, how many innocent victims die you do the math-
Walk in my wrath, heaven or hell, we take our own path...
Self Destructive, tryin to do something in my life thats productive-
Positive actions make it constructive-
This world is harsh, so critical-
most struggle for its, too political-
Patriotism is respected, racism neglected-
everyone has favoritism, dream about peace but it aint realism-
Shootin up authority, we need to show love to all, White ,Blacks and minority-
Majority huslte, nuttin wrong with that its a priority-
Go to church for confession, different countries showin agression-
Depression in everyones face, sorrowful expression-
How can you not see the hatred, you dont need 20/20 vision-
Precision for its hurtful when caused in a collision-
love adn hatred have there own division, you pick your side, its your decision-
War is juss bloodbath, how many innocent victims die you do the math-
Walk in my wrath, heaven or hell, we take our own path...