yo mayn!! why, why, why??????????????? my little sister's good friend died last night after falling down some stairs. that girl was only 10! she had her whole life ahead!! why did God take her now!! i knew the girl a little, my sister would talk to her and the little girl would come to play with my sis. why in the fuck would god let something like this happen?? i know that ppl say that death isnt the end, but what about that girls mother?? she is on the edge! as soon as i heard the news i immedately told my mom to send my christmas money to her family. no lies, thats what im gonna do. i get like 200 every christmas. i dont deserve it anyway. im not here to brag and say im a good guy and i deserve something now, im tellin u all to show u how fucked up the world is. and to tell u to never take life as a joke. u can go at any time. young or old. give a prayer out to the little girl named marta, if u care to. peace out, and god bless the new angel.