whats up bong this is sicxest if you remember anyways someone correct me if im wrong. Ghetto Starz is from Pittsburg's pueblo projects the were called the super natural ghetto stars but ghetto stars for short. they consist of Freak-O (R.I.P.), UZI, Scoob Nitty, and dubb 20. They got they label supernatural records. Everyone has dropped a solo so far, Freak-O- Selft Titled
Dubb 20- Twenty Inches
UZI- for got the name but jacka presents
Scoob Nitty- the black tony montana
and if your feelin these cats you might like other pittsburg rappers like mob figaz, smash unit, pueble indians also scoob nitty got a new cd with ap9 and scoob and ap9 also released a comp. But the producer that you like is ROB LO he's done hella shit for all them cats even works with a-wax outta pittsburg anyways hope that helps.