How can it be stealing? It's file SHARING. Its not like Im going to a store and ripping it off, and its not like Im bootleggin these songs for profit. Its me and a bunch of other people swapping songs, pics, documents. Is swapping stealing? I trade and share shit with my friends all the time. Is it only considered "stealing" because its on an anonomous level? Or is it because its on a wider level? Ive always dubbed shit, taped off the radio and all that. Ive also paid for overpriced music for all these years to these big ass record companies, and they have the nerve to say IM ripping them off? They mad cause instaed of making 900 Million dollars a year, they only making 750 million a year. Boo Fucking Hoo. That 900 Million was the most the RIAA has ever made in one year back in 2000. Thats the year when Napster was the most popular thing on the net. So whats the deal blaming file sharing for thier finnacial woes. Its deeper than that.
Thats my argument, and Im sticking to it.
Thats my argument, and Im sticking to it.