Managed to get a copy of that Yuk and C-BO at Best Buy. They had a few left. Have they stopped pressing it? Inquiring minds wanna know 'cuz ya can't get it anywhere online. Holla.
the word is the album is FUCK stupid KNOCK!!!, and its a DAMN SHAME they pulled that shit...I just hope it gets realesed eventually.....I got my bootleg so iiiiiz aaaal goooood......yadididididimean
all new shit, but unfortunatly i wasnt really feeling the production at all. There were a few exeptions like 21 Gun Solute produced by EA Ski, but majority of the beats were booty in my opinion.
all new shit, but unfortunatly i wasnt really feeling the production at all. There were a few exeptions like 21 Gun Solute produced by EA Ski, but majority of the beats were booty in my opinion.