usually i'm high more often than not when I ask myself this but....
They say that you shall not poisen yr brother and also not 2 take the fruit...
What if the only way you have 2 make sumthing of yrself is 2 take the fruit while poisining yr what the fuck else are you sopposed 2 do be a fuckin bum/or do the most fucked kind of work 4 nothing and still never have enough 2 even make a family?or ever be able 2 take care of anything when you need to...
Than say you make enough 2 start doing right than what......just hope your forgiven the rest of your life??
I'm thankful 4 what I have and can say with out a doubt that I'm solid...and try and DO lead a good life and take care of those around me.
They say jesus 4gives you of yr sins but that only goes so far with me...If yr a chimo killer I don't think that would be 4givable...but than look at the next guy sayin "if you sell dope yr goin 2 hell" who's sais he's wrong???
I struggle with this.:chinese:
They say that you shall not poisen yr brother and also not 2 take the fruit...
What if the only way you have 2 make sumthing of yrself is 2 take the fruit while poisining yr what the fuck else are you sopposed 2 do be a fuckin bum/or do the most fucked kind of work 4 nothing and still never have enough 2 even make a family?or ever be able 2 take care of anything when you need to...
Than say you make enough 2 start doing right than what......just hope your forgiven the rest of your life??
I'm thankful 4 what I have and can say with out a doubt that I'm solid...and try and DO lead a good life and take care of those around me.
They say jesus 4gives you of yr sins but that only goes so far with me...If yr a chimo killer I don't think that would be 4givable...but than look at the next guy sayin "if you sell dope yr goin 2 hell" who's sais he's wrong???
I struggle with this.:chinese: