Yo slim... seriously man, can you quit with that shit on this forum? I don't mean any disrespect and I'm askin' all nice-like if you'd just type normal. I know you're not ignorant but that's the way it comes off when you type like that, man... Nobody is judgin' you or anything, but when it comes to trying to read an opinion, if it's difficult, then the opnion is usually worthless ya know? Show yourself some more respect than that... If you're well educated, show the shit. I can type like that too, but I'd rather bring kids up to my level rather than duck down to theirs.
Knowamsayin? LoL.
Anyway, I think it's Ronnz that did the "Industry is Punks" beat... If I could meet Ronnz I would fuckin' bow down and be like "Oh master of the dominance beat, that shit was so fuckin' bangin'... it was YOUR BEAT that made that one of the most HARD songs I've ever heard in my pathetic little life".
Sorry I just ranted, but "Industry" is one of those songs that I love to bang the hell out of cruisin' down the strip or outta the mall.
I always describe it like this (and everyone apply the notes of "industry" to make this work);
"Enghhhhhhhhhhhhh Enghhhhhhhhhhh Enghhhhhhhhhh Enghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh eh eh eh eh (repeat)"
That shit's harder than a bunch of my friends at Alexis Gabriel's house... (If my friends were on this board, this joke would go over faster than Al Snow jobbin' to the Rock... so would that joke)
Currently playing: Ima Playa (Infest Remix)