Just lettin you know once again I got verses, beats, and Northern Lifestyle units in bulk pricing is as follows
Verse- 150
Hook- 100
Verse and hook 200
Verse and beat 200
Whole song 300
Whole song with beat 400
Collab album 1500
If you liked the beats on Northern Lifestyle I got beats from those same producers that will give you that sound
Northern Lifestyle units 2.50 apiece with a minimum order of 20
Never Say Die with Quinn coming very soon most likely June 2010
Hit me up
Verse- 150
Hook- 100
Verse and hook 200
Verse and beat 200
Whole song 300
Whole song with beat 400
Collab album 1500
If you liked the beats on Northern Lifestyle I got beats from those same producers that will give you that sound
Northern Lifestyle units 2.50 apiece with a minimum order of 20
Never Say Die with Quinn coming very soon most likely June 2010
Hit me up