i used to get sleep apnea/ sleep paralysis in my teens to my early adult years which i attribute to doing a shit load of LSD and having a odd sleep pattern, eventually it went away and for that i am glad
i had one weird situation where it happened and my eyes were open so i could see my entire bedroom...as you know with sleep paralysis you cannoy move...so someone starts knocking on my window. i want to answer it but cant move. a few more knocks. at this point im lke wtf wake up....well the person opens the window. at that moment, these giant tentacles flew through the open window and began to flap around the room reaching for something.
i wake up but the weird part is, the only thing that went away were the tentacles. my window was ajar and i had the same positioning of my room that i had when in sleep paralysis, nothing different at all, as if my eyes never closed. that never happened again thank god
i cant be havin shit like that going on
i used to do far too many psychedelic drugs, thats all that was
that was part of my life in San Francisco, i was a black hippy
i wake up from sleep paralysis and be like: