Silly Christian, tubes are for vegetables not for Popes!

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May 13, 2002
Silly Christian, tubes are for vegetables not Popes!

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick...

Mar 30, 6:59 AM (ET)


VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope John Paul II is getting nutrition from a feeding tube through the nose, the Vatican said on Wednesday, shortly after the frail pontiff appeared at his window in St. Peter's Square and unsuccessfully tried to speak.

Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the tube was aimed at improving the pope's calorie intake. It was not visible when the pope made his appearance.

Navarro-Valls issued the first medical report on John Paul since March 11 - two days before he was discharged from the hospital for the second time in a month. The update came amid media reports saying the pope might be hospitalized again to insert a feeding tube in his stomach because of problems swallowing food.

The statement Wednesday said John Paul spends "many hours" seated in an armchair, celebrates Mass in his private chapel and has work contacts with his aides "following directly the activities of the Holy See and the life of the Church."

It said the pope continues "his slow and progressive convalescence" and that public audiences remain suspended.

It also said medical assistance is guaranteed by the Vatican medical staff under the direction of the pope's personal physician, Dr. Renato Buzzonetti, an apparent reference to reports that outside medical help has been called in.

Navarro-Valls made the announcement shortly after the pope appeared at his studio window and blessed thousands of faithful in St. Peter's Square.

The ailing pontiff raised his hand in blessing and made the sign of the cross as a Vatican official read greetings and prayers.

The pope looked alert during the appearance, his first since Easter Sunday. A microphone that had been readied by papal aides was quickly removed after the pontiff unsuccessfully tried to say a few words.


Days, weeks, months or years? I say April 6th.