Shpongle [Download]

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Complete O.G.
Jun 25, 2002
Gimcheon, South Korea
I'm gonna post up some pretty unique stuff, if anyone is a fan of good chill music in general I can almost guarantee youll dig it. Its electronically made but its absolutely not techno or anything. Shpongle is considered the #1 "Psy" producers in the world, a genre which you almost never hear in America. This is really, REALLY laid back stuff.. Good to smoke to, chill to, end of the night type of shit. Its really primal and the instruments are off the hook trippy...

Some people can't get into it because of the fact that it 'is' that different.. but looking past that, most of the songs they produce are genius.. masterpiece type of shit.. lol... Let me know what you think honestly, Im trying to see what kind of perspective the Siccness crowd has on this.

Shpongle Falls
Monster Hit
May 13, 2002
Ah good shit. HERE is a trippy flash video with the music by Shpongle that I posted some time ago. Definately some mind-fucking shit.

I'm a huge Goa-Head. I love the music because they are typically long and very complex which I think provokes a lot of thought and sensations. (especially if you're on some kind of mind altering drug!)

HERE is a track by Darshan, a little known Goa producer from Germany. This track isnlt "chill"; it has a much darker feel to it and a pulsating beat. But, if you're feeling good and you're like me, this music can make you feel like an Evil Super Villian!

Here are a few more Darshan tracks:

Darshan - - Anja
Darshan - - Sun Probe
Darshan - - Electroplasm

As far as goa, Infected Mushroom IMO is probably the best you can get. HERE is one of my favorite tracks that seems really bizarre at first, but as the song progresses everything comes together. If you're high on E and you listen to this song from start to finish, I guarantee you'll be saying "wow" when it's over. (Psilo if you havent already heard this track, definately peep it out...I think you'll appreciate the complexity of the track).

A lot of people probably wont like this music, as Psilo mentioned, but if you're open minded it's worth at least checking out.
Jul 15, 2002
I also am a huge goa psy trance fan. Dj'd(still got a 6 ft stack of records) this music for 4 years. InfestedMushroom are hella crazy and also a great live show. they preformed in SF before not sure if they still come out this way. Also Xdream,Astral Projection,G.M.S.,Tim Shuldt, and a shit load more are mad crazy. use to throw events not sure what the deal is w/ them lately..

Thanks for the Darshan songs havent heard sun probe

I got some songs to post if yall want to hear any?

Juice_by_GMS yall might remember it from the movie "Man on fire" Club scene


Complete O.G.
Jun 25, 2002
Gimcheon, South Korea
Oh yeah thats right, I forgot some of you were hardcore psy fans, Im trippin. Yeah I like the genre a lot and know a lot more about it than just Shpongle, I just felt they are one of the best groups to get 'newbies' to the genre into it. Infected Mushroom is sick as fuck as well, I've seen them twice now, once on drugs, and once off, and I can clearly say both times I had the SAME amount of fun. That right there shows you its powerful ass music.

Right on for the Darshan, Im about to dload and listen to em all now. Im 'usually' much more of a darker, hardcore kind of guy when it comes to music and posting something 'chill' is sort of a rarity. I usually like my shit sounding straight from the pits of hell or sounding not of this planet.. lol.. will report back
Aug 20, 2004
Her other album Fishermans Woman(2005) is all acoustic...bascially her just singin over a guitar....Norah Jones style...its cool....but not the same as Love In The Time Of Science...

Balligomingo is more Enya meets a ragin rave...ill post a track tomorrow after work....

Good lookin gonna listen to these at work tomorrow...