If a child is raised to where gangs are normal everyday life than its expected to run with the pack. If a child is raised in monroe to be a hunter and 4 wheel drive than he to will fallow the pack too. you will have your pussies and real g's mostly based off phisical muscular mass. Misled idiotic irresponsible yes But I think that you are the pussy because you type from a computer what you wouldent say to their face even in a 1 on 1 situation. & about you acting like you know what goes on behind bars I doubt that. and THIS ^ I would say 5 inches from your face.
I can agree with your statement that a persons socio-economic environment and family values helps to shape an individual's actions, coinciding with his or her's perception on life. What I refuse to accept is that if a person knows the difference between right and wrong, then they are responsible for their own actions, or the choices that they make in life, period. And, just because somebody is from the hood or affiliated with people from their territory who are looked upon as degenerates by the outside communities doesn't neccesarily mean that they have to fall victim to the traps or downfalls present in their reality, nor does that mean that they have to conform to the sterotypes casted upon them from being associated with their surroundings. Those who do are weak minded individuals who have failed to set high goals/ standards in their life in order to overcome their ghetto upbringing. So don't try to make it seem like being a follower is accepted as normal. Also, its funny to me how pitifully u try to rationalize with me about pussies and geez based off of one's physical attributes, because this is not true and therefore your argument is flawed. I guess David was supposed to get his ass whooped by Goliath in principal because he was a tiny adolecent kid, and his foe was some huge muscular savage giant, right? It's mind over matter, and being a "g" is a state of mind, not the set you claim or the color you bang, so don't be silly knucklehead.
And your weak attempt to chump me out on the net is just as ignorant as your quoted comment above. If you claim to be so hard you wouldn't talk about what you would do, you would just do it. Keep it halfway ganxta, wanxta, you don't get kewl points for dissin people on the net acting like you're actually going to see and approach me one day peasant. Now me, personally, I am a G to the fullest in the sense that first and foremost I'm a God fearing man, secondly, a genteleman, but if a dumb muthafucka wants to take it to the next level, I can get ganxta. I can't help it, its in my bloodline, and how and where I grew up. Believe me, I don't bang, and I've never did more than 8 hours in a cell, but I can guarantee you that I get much love and respect everywhere I go, from my hometown Up Nawf in AnchorTown, Alaska all the way to the Durdee Souf in Opelika, Alabama son. With that said, I hope you take your time next time you're on the northwest siccnness typing hastly and think about the stoopit comments you're communicating, with reguards to your ignorant ass rationalizations you claim to be "real" in the facts of life contained in your posts.
And for the cat that said sez my spellin of c-town is gay, I can't apologize for making your dick hard, faggot. Don't trip, I'll pychosodomize you later.
¡Dos dedos pendejos!