It was in a Vin Diesel movie, "The Chronicles of Riddick". So this man went: "Necromonger....Chronicles of Riddick....Vin Diesel........hmmm.....>I got it! I'll photoshop a picture of Tadou and Vin Diesel, and it'll be FUNNY! Because, get it?!?! Necromonger....Vin Diesel....!!!!"
If i had made another mention of Vin Diesel; or even a thread about how Diesel fuel was better than gasoline for the environment, etc, he might have had a point. But this....Not really.
It's to that point where you could photoshop me in front of a Cow with the caption "I like milk" and it would somehow be the most humorous thing on earth to someone, somewhere who's favorite joke of all time is: "Hey, everyone point and laugh at ____. HAHAHAHA!!!" Not very creative, but hey, that's them.