I told yall faker fans that Shag dont like bitch ass rapist Ko-me My-Ant!!! He said that "Ko-Me needs to pass the ball until he gets his legs back"! Then Ko-Me said that "Shag needs to worry about the post and he will worry about the perimeter"! Then Shag said that "as long as this is Diesel's team he will do whats needed or Ko-me can opt out after this year"!! Hahahha!! Told yall he dont like that bitch!! I remember when Shag said that Iverson is the best player in the league! Im sure he meant it cause he is, but I knew he also wanted to picc Ko-Me off cause he plays the same position!! Hahahahah!! Now maybe yall faker fans will believe that it aint all fantasy land in L.A.!!! Hahahaha!! if that rapist dont go to jail, he damn sure wont be in L.A. after this year!! GOT EM!!!