Shadows of the system
Shadows stream across cold,ironclad,bars
Painting effervescent pictures of things that were
Deep inflicted wounds of emotion, leaving mental scars
Thoughts of pitch blackness lights out at night
No moon or shining stars in site
For no windows in this room
a concrete cave 8 by 8 measured by shadows of doom
No room to breathe
Restless sleep
Thoughts of Death waiting in the wings to creep
Away from family and friends
NO outlet to the outside except through paper and pen
Words scattered, splattering a mental mess
But to him these words a comforting solace that makes perfect sense
Late at night he sits on his cold stone bed
Allowing freely his visions to pour from his head
Drifting back to when he and the wifey on the sandy, white beaches of Jamaica wed.
Back to all the times after making love they lay within each others arms in bed.
Early morning breakfasts with the scent of bacon and eggs being fed
Replaced by the reality of the walls in the system
Consisting only of meat placed between 2 stale pieces of bread.
Sunrise replaced by darkness
Sunset brings eternal sadness
Remembering all the things he will miss
Only thing he looks forward to now is the kiss of Death
To put an end to all these tragic events
Lights are out at the end of the day
He kneels to pray
' Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
if I die before I wake
I pray the lord my soul to take"
In hopes that these will be the last words he speaks
The last breath that he shall even breathe
Putting his soul, spirit, mind, and body at eternal ease
With the words Rest in Peace
Shadows stream across cold,ironclad,bars
Painting effervescent pictures of things that were
Deep inflicted wounds of emotion, leaving mental scars
Thoughts of pitch blackness lights out at night
No moon or shining stars in site
For no windows in this room
a concrete cave 8 by 8 measured by shadows of doom
No room to breathe
Restless sleep
Thoughts of Death waiting in the wings to creep
Away from family and friends
NO outlet to the outside except through paper and pen
Words scattered, splattering a mental mess
But to him these words a comforting solace that makes perfect sense
Late at night he sits on his cold stone bed
Allowing freely his visions to pour from his head
Drifting back to when he and the wifey on the sandy, white beaches of Jamaica wed.
Back to all the times after making love they lay within each others arms in bed.
Early morning breakfasts with the scent of bacon and eggs being fed
Replaced by the reality of the walls in the system
Consisting only of meat placed between 2 stale pieces of bread.
Sunrise replaced by darkness
Sunset brings eternal sadness
Remembering all the things he will miss
Only thing he looks forward to now is the kiss of Death
To put an end to all these tragic events
Lights are out at the end of the day
He kneels to pray
' Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
if I die before I wake
I pray the lord my soul to take"
In hopes that these will be the last words he speaks
The last breath that he shall even breathe
Putting his soul, spirit, mind, and body at eternal ease
With the words Rest in Peace