Scientist create water that isn’t wet……wait….what?!?

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May 13, 2002
Scientists Create "Water" That Isn't Wet

NEW YORK CITY-April 13, 2004 — A new chemical concocted by scientists at the Tyco's Fire and Security Division looks and acts just like water except for one thing... it doesn't get things wet.

During Tuesday's Good Morning America, a representative of Tyco Fire and Security displayed the amazing properties of the chemical that's called "Sapphire."

The chemical has all the firefighting properties of water, yet it will not cause the damage to items that is usually associated with water.

As part of a demonstration, Pelton submerged several items into a tank of Sapphire that was on the Good Morning America set. Books did not get wet. Electronics were not be destroyed. Items that were submerged in the liquid were dried in a matter of seconds, and showed no ill effects according to Charles Gibson, Diane Sawyer and other members of the Good Morning America staff who saw items plunged into it.

Charles Gibson/Good Morning America: "It looks like water, but it's not."

The Sapphire is intended to become part of fire suppression systems in buildings. It would automatically be sprayed out of a building's sprinkler system when a fire is detected.
Dave Pelton/Tyco Fire and Security: "This material would protect various artifacts, collections. You could use it in museums, libraries, places of cultural property."

There was a substance that had similar properties produced in the past, but that fire suppression liquid was damaging the ozone layer. The new substance by Tyco is supposed to be environmentally safe.

(Copyright 2004 by WPVI-TV 6 and ABC News. All rights reserved.)
Jul 24, 2002

Scientists have produced Holy Water....

I wonder if you can drink this stuff.
Good thread 2-0!

"I can dance on water and not get wet"
Mac 10

Now I know what the brotha was talkin bout LOL!
Jul 24, 2002
Well one of the reasons why I don't like swimming is that you are forced to swim in the same water that runs through other people's ass crack. Then the same water gets on your face and sometimes in your mouth. SICK! :hurt:

But a pool full of this water? I'm down for a swim!
I'm sure an ass load of "sistas" would love this shit too LOL!

*Waitin to be accused of being racist again*
*Little do folks know that my son is mixed LOL!*
May 16, 2002
miggidy said:
Well one of the reasons why I don't like swimming is that you are forced to swim in the same water that runs through other people's ass crack. Then the same water gets on your face and sometimes in your mouth. SICK! :hurt:
You DO know that almost all the water you drink (unless it comes from some glacier or something) has already been drunk by a LOT of people and animals before.
Perhaps your next glass of water contains water that was in Jesus' watery feces that he shat out after eating too many figs.

Feeling thirsty....?


it is illogical to think that water is not wet. Obviously if one read the article one would notice this is not water but a new chemical altogether. I also find it difficult to accept that those people who have a darker skin pigmentation would not swim in water. In my planet all Vulcans shower. Humans seem to be irrational beings.
Apr 28, 2004
The words you speak are rational; Vulcan they are. However, you are a follower of the human. You are a traitor to the Vulcan race. You coincide with the irrational and take orders like a dog. Humans are only capable of destruction. You are not my brother, merely, a genetical glitch that must be corrected by death.


Evil is the irrational mentality Vulcan's had before we became a race of peace and logic.