I understand the movie type text at the top.Say-So,what lies beneath..The way it look look like it can be a title from a movie (DVD,Poster)..I like the effect of the hand coming outta the sewer as complementing the CD title (What lies beneath)...Though dude looks kinda little back their.The cover still looks saucy....Good job!!!
Damn that shit is sicc.......nice work....looks perfect to me, only thing I can even come up with to change would be to maybe use a faux bold on the top text or something, it could stand out slightly more.....shit is too clean though, feelin it 100%
looks excellent, i would like to see a cleaner version (uploads disappoint me) but i like where you are going with this, my only bit of advice would to do something with the edges of the "sewer hole" i really cant explain it, the only thing that comes to mind is that they look to soft...if you feel what im sayin you feel but other than that your creativity continues to blow me away...
if you would be willing to send me a version to my e-mail so i can see the detail it would be appreciated if not cool... [email protected]
The focus of this project was not so much the artist but the overall concept of his cover, so that is why he is not necessarily the primary focus & why he wasn't positioned in the foreground.
I understand your angle completely...but it appears somewhat soft around the edges of the sewer hole due to the lighting/shadows. Always appreciate the commentary.