Saw: the video game

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May 13, 2002
Comes out next month. Survival horror game by Konami.

At first I thought it would suck, but I'm a sucker for survival horror games and the more I thought about it the game has lots of potential. I'll obviously wait for the reviews first.

The story centers on Detective David Tapp who awakens in a decrepit, abandoned asylum. He has been captured by his longtime nemesis, Jigsaw. Obsessed with catching this serial killer, Tapp’s mission has consumed him and ruined his family, resulting in divorce, mental imbalance, and abandonment. Worse yet, this frantic hunt destroyed Tapp’s career while he watched his long-time friend and partner get killed by one of Jigsaw's traps. Now Jigsaw has the upper hand and has captured the detective. Tapp must play a deadly game—the likes of which he has been investigating for years—to escape, and in order to do so he must survive the lethal traps and puzzles that Jigsaw has put in place for him and others. But each victim has a dark connection to Tapp. Will Tapp save them? Can he survive his obsession to find the Jigsaw killer?​



The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
It's structured similarly to Batman: Arkham Asylum where the main villain pops up on tv's and shit to taunt you or offer advice as how to pass through.
Jan 18, 2006
yeah first you think this is gonna be horrible, then you look at the actual gameplay and the object of the game and it seems entertaining.
Jun 24, 2005
Looks alright...rental at best for me though...down the a big release drought...after I've played through other games I skipped because so many awesome games came out at the same time.
Oct 19, 2008
San Diego
Here's part of a review:

"You may be wondering how the hell a movie like Saw gets translated into a game. I too had that lingering question before I popped that sucker into my system. The answer is seamlessly. The game is a perfect translation of the movie in almost all respects. Each puzzle tests the question of whether or not you appreciate your life even if it means taking another's life in order to continue on. The best and worst part about the game involves the puzzle system. Saw offers a large range of puzzles, but the bulk of them are painfully easy, even the timed challenges. One of my favorite puzzles involves a Shotgun Necklace you acquire later on thanks to Ol' Pig Head. Anytime you get near a person who is also wearing the necklace it sets off a timer. If you can't escape their presence in time you'll blow up. If you do, they blow up. This isn't necessarily a puzzle in itself, but the precautions you can take such as bolting doors and watching them incinerate from the other side is mildly amusing in its own.

The game isn't necessarily scary, but it will make you anxious as hell. Time-based puzzles are enough to make your heart explode, as are the variety of reoccurring traps. Arguably one of the best aspects of the game is the ability to create your own traps. There is nothing like setting up a trip wire rigged to explode and watching a crazed man storm right into it unexpectedly. The fighting system is a bit laughable, asking players to handle both the left trigger and the controller's face buttons. The end result is really inconvenient and a bit finicky. Luckily health is easy to come by so it's not so horribly you can't advance through the game. The fighting system may be a bit stiff but the weapon selection is vast and oftentimes hilarious. A good example is the mannequin arm you find well into the game. Trust me, there's nothing quite like beating a guy down with a doll arm. Overall, the weapons are big thumbs up but the less than stellar fighting system detracts from them.

Compared to other survival-horror games on the market as of late, Saw is one of the top titles. Is it worth the $60? Not so much. I do suggest renting it or picking it up later on down the road when it's half the price.

PROS: Amazing graphics, Non-Linear/Realistic gameplay, Seamless loads and level advancement
CONS: Subpar voice acting (just like the movie), Puzzles are too easy, Fighting system is stiff"

Most of the user comments say you should just rent it. Cons from another review I read were about the fighting system and that puzzles/enemies may get pretty annoying.
May 3, 2002
I keep hearing that its pretty good. I bet most people dont know its even out. I hardly saw any promotion for it.. they should have done it with the movie or somethin..
May 31, 2007
Ive never seen any of the SAWs so it just looks aight to me.. the movement and the explosion didnt look all that smooth, but the game looks decent and probably dope to Saw fanboys. Ill admit as soon as I heard they were making a Saw game a while back I think my exact words were "Thats fucking retarted" but it looks decent
Jan 23, 2006
games dope, most defnintley a rent though. the puzzles are easy in a way but with timers and other things going on make it complicated. theres a couple of trip wire traps that catch you off guard and bust ya shit through out the asylum. nice how they set up clues and what not to progress through the game im not finished yet but theres been like 3 puzzles that took at least couple times to finally complete because i kept running out of time
Dec 30, 2003
been stuck on a few puzzles here and there... that lock pick shit dont make any sense to me at all... but fuck i kinda think i figured it out now... anyways so far so good... i hate paying 65 bucks for a fuckin video game esp if it aint worth it but so far this has been pretty fun.