Saudi's say OPEC will be unable to meet western demand

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May 13, 2002
By By Carola Hoyos and Neil Dennis in London
Republished from The Financial Times Ltd
Saudi officials say that OPEC will be unable to meet projected western demand in 10 to 15 years.

Published: July 6 2005 22:02 | Last updated: July 6 2005 22:02

Oil prices hit new record highs above $61 a barrel on Thursday, driven by short-term supply fears as the first hurricane of the season threatened crude production and refinery operations in the Gulf of Mexico.

But private warnings also point to a worsening long-term outllook, with Saudi officials saying that the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries will be unable to meet projected western demand in 10 to 15 years.

At today’s prices, the world will need the cartel to boost its production from 30m to 50m barrels a day to 50m by 2020 to meet rapidly rising demand, according to the International Energy Agency, the energy watchdog for consuming countries.

But senior Saudi energy officials have privately warned US and European counterparts that Opec would have an “extremely difficult time” meeting that demand. Saudi Arabia calculates there is a 4.5m b/d gap between what the world needs and what the kingdom can provide.

Saudi Arabia has the world’s largest oil reserves and will need to bear up to half Opec’s production growth in the next 10 to 20 years, with the rest mainly coming from Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.

Saudi Arabia pumps 9.5m b/d and has assured consumer countries that it could reach 12.5m b/d in 2009 and probably 15m b/d eventually. But a senior western energy official said: “They said it would be extremely difficult to move above that figure”.

But European officials hope that energy saving measures could curb oil demand. They believe Opec could produce the 44m b/d the world would need if consumers adopted efficiency measures under discussion by governments in the US and Europe.

G8 leaders are expected to discuss the high oil prices during their three day summit which began in Gleneagles, Scotland, on Wednesday.

Fears that US refineries are ill-equipped to meet winter demand for heating oil and other distillates have driven crude prices more than 9 per cent higher in the last week.

These concerns were compounded on Wednesday as Chevron, Shell and BP all reported they were evacuating workers from platforms in the Gulf of Mexico as tropical storm Dennis was upgraded to hurricane.

These concerns were compounded on Wednesday as Chevron, Shell and BP all reported they were evacuating workers from platforms in the Gulf of Mexico as tropical storm Dennis was upgraded to hurricane

The August West Texas Intermediate contract on the New York Mercantile Exchange hit a record $61.63 in early electronic trade, while on London’s International Petroleum Exchange, the front-month Brent crude contract climbed to an all-time high of $60.26 a barrel.
May 17, 2002
OPEC is full of shit and they've been obviously manipulating their prices for a WHILE. Now they might be faced with a real crisis and they'll hurt trying to sale just as much as America will trying to buy. IDIOTS. anytime you toy with the natural flow of economics you set yourself up for a catastrophy. a sustained $60 per barrel will make america find another supplier or source of energy SOON.

these assholes have been strategically cutting back production on purpose trying to artificially stablize the $50-55 per barrel range. they don't want it to slip back to $40 because they know the price hurts america not because they want to increase demand. it is plain and simple financial warfare. I don't even want to get into how Citicorp plays a clandestined factor in all of this.

if OPEC went into full production in all of its facilities around the world oil would be $32-35 per barrel. which would drop the price of gas down to about .89-$1.35 per gallon (at least in my state).

If that was the case the hurricane would mean nothing at all.

$2.32 at the moment
May 17, 2002
I'd say 25 for OPEC. they'll find more places to drill between now and when the known world supply of oil is used up. plus i think they are lying about the world supply like they are lying about their need to cut back production. OPEC is comprised of TOO many nations not to be able to supply. from nigeria to venezuela. There is NO problems with supply other the ones they artifice. Especially considering much of nigerias oil resources have never been tapped.


Apr 25, 2002

This is a simple case of supply and demand. OPEC switching to a EURO standard would hurt america more than direct price manipulation. Oil prices would change regardless of opec prices if the DEMAND were HIGH but SUPPLY extremly LOW. However opec raised prices AND production during a glut so you can't place the blame on opec and accuse them of monopolistic methods.

But where does that leave america? Find another supplier or new source? It already did. Iraq. Don't forget the fact that iraq was basically removed from oil production because of sanctions. Yeah it produced oil and had an oil for food program but what would happen if iraq were commandeered by america before "peak oil" occurs? That 6-8 million b/d would do damage to opec. If you thought opec had a hand in price manipulation before they REALLY wouldn't have a hand in it if/when iraq becomes a player. But where does that leave opec? Opec can crumble or opec can convert to the euro standard or make stern threats to convert. What will happen to opec members who do so? Most likely they will be attacked and raped like iraq (remember what saddam said about "attacking the enemies currency" and what happened to iraq when the converted). While Korea is not a member of opec look at what they did. Switched to the euro. What are they considered now? EVIL. What can they do now to maintain some type of bargaining power after switching to the euro? Create nukes.

Think about the following and look at another country that is one of your top five economies. Japan holds the MOST u.s. reserves and gets the majority of its oil from the mid east. If opec were to switch to euro standard where would that leave japan and its u.s. reserves? If oil were to continue to stay at $40 or more per gallon where would that leave japans economy?

What about China? They hold a large amount of american reserves and are the #2 importers of oil. Once again what happens to the dollar if china dumps its american reserves?

One might think the world is safe with the oil thats still underground but thats not the issue here. The issue is peak output and what the hell is really being used, how much is left AFTER peak and how much it will cost to get whats left. I know this is a crazy analogy but think of a glass filled with soda and ice. When the glass is full the soda is easy to drink. What happens when you get less soda? The ice goes to the bottom and the last drops of soda are hard to get to because you have a shitload of ice in the cup (think of your average fast food soda). Is it worth slurping on a straw and making loud noises to get the last drops of soda? Crazy analogy but think about it.......

Off 2 bed.

May 17, 2002
I follow you logic. it makes the "pop" (What we call it hurr) more expense to get to due to the effort.

The thing is this. How likely will America assault OPEC i.e. the Saudi royal family's collection of world oil reserves. Thinking of a Cold war that may just be what's happening. Which may be why the concept of the Sauds backing America's war on Iraq sounds ridiculous, (That is if Iraqi oil doesn't become a silent gift handed over to OPEC which is likely). Consider the oil/money ties(debts) america has with the suads an how that will eliminate Americas money burden.

Another funny thing is the fact that China has oil producing capability but is the worlds largest growing consumer of oil. If America could regulate external consumption that would greatly influence price as well. This may be another underlying reason america is so convivial with China.

Matter-a-fact fuck japan. If China decides to peg its currency to the euro instead of the Dollar WHOA that would have some amazing effects. The counter-dollarization of China's inferior currency is really playing a significant part in all of this. particularly it is garnering China world wide competitive advantage.

(Man the dynamic of the boards conversations are getting deep. This is interesting)

The attack of currency is always effective. Countries that are dollarized give up currency sovereignity, which makes the country's fiscal policy submissive to American whims.

money=trust=control in people terms abandoning trust is a slap in the face. America's abuse of trust is the source of our problems. I ponder how america will survive when them slaps in the face become slaps on the ass HAHAHA. What are the 3 most influential external factors that are sustaining america's power? global currency trust, alliances, and military fear.

America has been "surely" converting to a services nation in all facets of business. The idiotic part about it is where does that leave us when all the nations say "we don't need your help, we can handle it ourselves"? where does that leave American innovation (engineering/manufacturing) strength?

All that will be left is military might. If America can't afford to fight wars it is crippled.


Apr 25, 2002
It would hurt america if it gave control of iraqs oil to opec. If you give it to another you run the risk of your puppet government going rogue and not keeping the dollar as the trading standard. Keep it as your ace in the hole in that region just in case the others DO decide to switch to euros. Let's not forget that iraq has made $$$$$$ by switching over to euros.

It's very likely that america would attack an opec member and implement "regime change" if they converted to the euro. With the conquering of iraq AND an alliance with israel (especially that NEW american base in israel) it would be possible. What actually will hurt america is the time it spends taking iraq. If it takes forever you run the risk of having one of the opec members basically saying fuck america and switching to the euro for payoff. Once again this is a reason why you would not want to give ANY country control of iraqs resources. The longer america takes the worse it is for japan. The worse it is for the japan the more likely they will dump the american reserves they have and switch to the euro. Two things japan CAN'T afford to have happen in the oil market are quick price hikes that almost double the current price for a short period of time and the current price for a sustained period. They hold the most u.s. reserves and are the second largest economy in the world. If their banks go into default......

Keep Iraq and you can throw a monkey wrench in the plans of opec and have more say so in the "plot". One monkey wrench you can do is EXCEED opecs quota which would cripple opecs power of price manipulation by holding back but charging more.

So whats the final outcome of all of this???? Besides america becoming a 3rd world country whats the outcome?

A one world currency. :siccness:
May 17, 2002
HERESY said:
What actually will hurt america is the time it spends taking iraq. If it takes forever you run the risk of having one of the opec members basically saying fuck america and switching to the euro for payoff. Once again this is a reason why you would not want to give ANY country control of iraqs resources.
good point. You've given me something to think about . . . I'll be back. hmmmmm


Apr 25, 2002
America has been "surely" converting to a services nation in all facets of business. The idiotic part about it is where does that leave us when all the nations say "we don't need your help, we can handle it ourselves"? where does that leave American innovation (engineering/manufacturing) strength?

All that will be left is military might. If America can't afford to fight wars it is crippled.

America will become a third world country. Why else do you think its becoming more and more of a police state now? It's because the people in charge KNOW whats going to happen at the climax of the show. IF you can control the people BEFORE an economic collapse you can limit civil unrest.