In My opinion i think alot of SD rappers lost that edge they shit aint pumpin like it was 2 yrs ago, what happened?? 4real im from tha bay and my nigga put me on alot of shit and i been fuckin wit daygo shit since 02'. and i thought niggaz out here were gonna be more out there now, now its real slow, couple of years ago u had the new west 2 comp, lil c.s ghetto classics, hound foundation, handgunners all of em was bangin, cricet beats and cds were bangin and ecay uno had probably one of the tighest albums i EVER heard Period! what happen the only one i hear is mitch right now and a few others like bigg june, what do yall think am i wrong or what ya'll think put me on to whats new cuz i dont see right now