I just wish you'd die...The cause for me stressed out & high...Don't break down & cry...Just cut the wires holding together my life...FUCK the hatred, this is what we call love...FUCK the feelings, i dont need none of the above...U can't put together the pieces?...Or they just missing?, escape before passion ceases...Its too late, im still tryna escape...Its the foundation that makes feelings desentigrate...Am i getting too deep, I thought u wanted to be like me...I can't sleep, the thought of happyness tends to bother me...It huants me like a ghost in the night...End my life, i just might, is that alright?...How can you expekt me to be anything besides what i am...Why would i expekt you to when i don't even understand...The betrayal happened before i relised what was worth keeping...Keep sinking without relising my actions corrosponded exactly what i was thinking...Some call it a crime, just a lil blue boy with no mind...In attempt to resurect the fears from the dephs of pandoras shrine...I say FUCK IT, i'll isolate myself from your grasp...Maybe then thoughts will stride on without'a glance & pass...Take it to the beliefs that even GOD once had...Do u think the outcome of our exsistance made him sad...I mean, take it to the purification that labled man bad...Do u think that the outcome of our exsistance makes GOD sad...