^ actually sadaam wrote a letter the american people saying he treats american citzens will going to iraq and they come back alive(hey it true unless there some muslim killing GI Hoe), saying hey it been documented any extremist in his country get wacked for preaching that stuff in iraq(lok at Abu Nidal the iraqis said he commited sucide but had for shoots to his head,lol) becuase iraq is a secular arabic state, He also said his beef is not with the american people it's aganist the bush adminstration as Iraq has no strike first policy towards the Us unlike the us having a strike first policy aganist every arab/muslim country Bush doesnt deem non terrorist to them, Mr.Hussien also wrote out of symptahy for the 9/11 victims and the Iraqi and Palestnian people even built memorials for the victims not only in baghdad but other parts of america as well. I wish I had the letter but it was crazy of course a little propganized but when was the last time Bush sincerly wrote somthing to all the Afghan women and children, when was the last time he sincerly apoligized for the ruthless scantions that kill 5,000 Iraqi children a month or the ongoing bomings in the no fly zone if that was ahppening to america we would be lancing nukes into naghdad. I think this whole war with Sdaam is for a few poltical reason.
1. Election year - Bush and the rpeublicans want ot keep being the murderous morons that so many americans(who showed there true racist side after 9/11) love. Right now war is popular with america it funny they say sadaam got nukes but yet provikes old photos of places they already bombed and just stupid Bush family rethoric. If the Us goes to war with Iraq this year it will help the republicans becuase of the so called "War on terrorism" that going on and it a proven fact while most polticans suck major, Republicans are a nightmare when it comes to wars iwth all there treats and killings.
2.Oil - Iraq has the second biggest Oil reserves on this planet 2nd only to the Kingdom Of Sadui Arabia. It funny how all these army people on stations like CNN and Fox say "hmm first thing we want to do is capture the oil fields". And of course with every Us invasion pupet regimes follow so cheap oil comes easily for america but only america. Plus the pentagon also said one of the major goals to "secure the Oil fields"
3. Protecting Isreali - I would just say nuke isreal there the real nazis but I guess it Us tradation to protect jews while killing everyone else becuase of the Zionist movement and Jewish lobbys in washinigton as well as protecting Isreali intreatstsin the region with Sdaam gone no one else will truly protect the palestnian ,Arafat a joke(but somthing about him makes me crack up) he rather run around with the tunsians and other foriegners then help his own people, The Saduis,Egyptians,Kuwaitis and Jordanians strings are being pulled by the us govt despite how they act towards publicly there people, the other countries cant do more then send aid and arms os iwth sadaam support and sadaam gone period and with a ousting of Arafat Sharon would proabably turn the west bank and Gaza Strip into full on Jewish Settlements and expell the palestnians. I know it sounds crazy and a anti-Bush and Anti-isreali theroy but think about it.
It'll be a mistake ot go into Iraq ven tho thwe region is already unstable if sadaam overtrowin we got the Shiietes,Sunnis and Kurds there and there a 3 way war there it could expolode and bring up old grudes and new wars(I.E.The Lebanese civil war, the issue with Syrian uccpation of Lebanon,The Iraqi-Iranian war,and The Palestnian-Isreali crisis coudl get worse). and also people like bin ladin and the Hamas,islamic jhiad's,etc could very well on the other hand reunite the region to start a real holy war aganist the Us and Isreal and you know when that happens europe will do nothing but just sit in the sidelines taping young 18 yera old americans getting smashed on and Iraqi children getting masscured.