Freddy Flossalini Presents... Flossalini Ent. "The Home Of The Official Mixtape For The Streets of Sac. I've released "True Rhyme: Streets of S.A.C Mixtape Vol. I Featuring: Philliated Phamm(Mal. B, Oz., L.B, Aleze, and Flossalni), G.P the Beast(and DeShaun), Trauma Unit(C-Way Mafia), Lil Darrele, J-Mack, Slept Rock, etc. The follow up "Grand Theft Audio: Sacramento Mixtape Vol. II" will be released shortly. Farenheit 91.6 Mixtape is in the works. I've already gathered a nice round up including Mercenaries, C-Dubb, Bueno, G.P, lil Darelle, J-Mack, and others. But I need that South Sac sound too... Sh*t I need all of Sac to stand up. Holla at cha boy.
E-mail Submissions if interested in the movement. We also got D.J's and Custom Force One's on the site as well.
E-mail Submissions if interested in the movement. We also got D.J's and Custom Force One's on the site as well.